No, we strictly advise against using edited documents for the verification process. The integrity of the verification process relies on the authenticity and unaltered nature of the submitted documents. Any form of editing, manipulation, or alteration of the documents could lead to the rejection of your verification submission.
To ensure a smooth and successful verification process:
Submit Original Documents: Please provide original, unaltered copies of the required documents. This includes documents such as proof of identity, proof of address, and any additional documents requested during the verification process.
Legibility and Clarity: Ensure that the documents you submit are clear, legible, and free from any alterations. Illegible or edited documents may lead to delays in the verification process.
Authenticity Matters: The authenticity of your documents is crucial for compliance and security reasons. Submitting edited documents undermines the verification process and may result in the rejection of your submission.
If you encounter any difficulties or have concerns about the verification process, please reach out to our customer support team. We are here to assist you in ensuring a seamless and compliant verification experience.