It is important to note that these changes affect all JurisEvolution users.
Update 20.23.34 brings improvements to the handling of hourly rates in JurisEvolution. In fact, employee rates are now more flexible in terms of calculation methods than just a fixed rate, and matters now have a new tab in preferences to display the different authorized rates of employees for easier management.
In a word,
A new rates interface in the employee matter, adding the possibility of creating rates conditional on a fixed rate;
In the matter preferences ;
It is now possible to define a specific level in order to restrict the rates available where necessary.
New "Authorized rates" tab
To manage the imposition of available rates
To manage time entry limitation
Employee matter
Displaying rates - New visual
We are pleased to present a brand new visual for the rates display. The aim of this visual is to optimize rate management and improve your user experience.
The section is now called "TABLE OF FEES" and explanatory "i "s in column headers display relevant information on the targeted field.
There is no limit to the number of rates that can be created for an employee;
Conditions can be added to a rate to make it available in certain matter types only or in matters with specific classifications.
The value of a rate can be defined by an operation calculated on the value of a fixed rate.
In detail,
The order in which rates are positioned is important. It indicates the order in which the rates are calculated.
A fixed rate must be the basis of the calculation, as it is the reference for a conditional rate (see Operation column) such as multiplication, add/subtract or percent.
The rate level to which the rate is linked. A level is a grouping that unifies the rates within it. There is no limit to the number of levels that can be created/used.
The use of codes to identify rates and optimize functionality is strongly recommended, but not mandatory.
A fixed rate should always have a code to make it unique;
The use of the same code makes it possible to establish an exclusive link between a conditional code and a referent code (referent code = which has a fixed rate);
A rate with an empty code field will apply to all preceding rates when its conditions are met;
A code makes it easier to view the rate in the matter.
This is what is used as a reference when the user wants to understand where the rate comes from. It is advisable to always include a relevant / explanatory description.
A rate is automatically associated with an employee in a file when 100% of the conditions match it. Applicable conditions can be defined according to the following elements:
Matter types;
Specific classifications created as required, linking the employee (or a matter) to a rate.
The type of operation defines the method of calculating the rate.
Fixed = Freezes the rate at the specified value
Multiplication = Allows you to increase or decrease the referring rate by multiplying it by a value
Example on a rate of $ 125.00 / hour
Discount of 10%, i.e. 90% of the reference rate = 0.9 x 125 = 112.50
Surplus of 10%, i.e. 110% = 1.1 x 125 = 137.50
Add/Soustract (+/-) = Add or substract a fixed amount
Example on a rate of $ 125.00 / hour
Discount of $25 per hour = -25 = 100.00
$50 per hour increase for corporate matters = +50 = 175.00
Percent = Allows you to calculate a value from a percentage and add it to (+) or substract it from (-) the referring rate
Example on a rate of $ 125.00 / hour
Discount of 10% = 125-10% = 112.50
Surplus of 10% = 125 + 10% = 137.50
Represents the value of the fixed rate or the value applicable for calculating the conditional rate.
Rate availability dates
Matter preferences - New tab - Authorized rates
Some changes have been made to the matter preferences:
1 - This is where you'll find the "Fees parameters" section.
By default, the "Restrict fee levels for the matter" box is unchecked in matters:
All relevant rates for all levels are available, including rates not linked to a level (empty).
If the box is checked, it is possible but not mandatory to define a level:
If the "Fee level authorized for the matter" field is left empty, all relevant rates of the "Default" level and all relevant rates not linked to a level are proposed (empty).
If a level is defined in the "Fee level authorized for the matter" field, only that level is authorized and only the relevant rates linked to it are proposed.
2 - A new "Authorized rates" tab displays all relevant* rates for employees on the matter.
As an involved employee;
As a caseworker;
As a representative of a caseworker.
All employees can enter time in a matter unless the limit function is activated. The purpose of displaying only the list of relevant* rates for employees registered in the matter is to enable the user to take action on said rates by, for example, imposing one or more of an employee's rates on the matter, or by limiting time entry to the imposed rates.
If an imposition is present on a rate and/or if the time entry limitation is applied in a matter, it is no longer possible to change the rate level configuration of this matter as long as one or the other is active.
* Relevant = The rates that correspond, as of the current date, to the conditions defined according to the rate level authorized for the selected matter.
The configuration present in the Client matter influences the client's active legal matters, with the exception of matters with
Active imposition or
An active limitation or
An active configuration specific to the matter.
Imposition fee in a matter
An employee with an imposition in a matter cannot use another rate for the period defined, if applicable. The operation remains the same as before the update, but it has been improved.
Imposition is now managed via the "Authorized rates" tab in the matter preferences.
It is possible to impose more than one rate for the same employee
Select lines to be imposed (Ctrl+Click)
Activate/deactivate imposition using the menu bar icon
A imposition start and end date can be applied to each imposed rate.
A column in the window and a filter in the left pane are available for imposition.
Limitation of time entry in a matter
When the limitation is activated in a matter, only employees with at least one imposed rate can create time entries in it (Rate with Imposition = Yes). Operation remains the same as before the update, but has been improved.
It is now possible to activate the time entry limitation in a matter even if no rate is imposed.
The impact of this action is that no one can enter any more time. We're talking here of a temporary blocking of the matter on time entries.
Very useful, for example, if a matter is in collection, or if you want to stop entering time in a closing matter.
TIP - It's a good idea to create a new matter status (via Classifications), such as "Provisional closure" or "In collection", so that you can quickly group together matters blocked on time entries later on.
Activation/deactivation is performed via the padlock icon in the menu bar.
(Note that selection has no impact in this function, since only previously imposed rates are allowed).
On = Red icon
Off = Black icon
What you should know
Post-update data integrity
The rates in the employee's matter are transferred to the new version in the same way. There are therefore no changes to elements already created prior to the update.
How the update behaves
There are no restrictions on levels in matters
The employee's existing rates are all transposed into the new rates interface of the employee matter;
All relevant existing rates for all employees in the matter are available (visible) in the new "Authorized rates" preference tab;
Imposed rates are also identified as imposed in the "Authorized rates" tab following the update;
The limitation on time entries in the matter is also respected and transposed to the "Authorized rates" tab.
Before the update
It was possible to add an employee rate to the matter without the employee being added to the matter as a participant, caseworker or stakeholder representative.
After the update
These employees are automatically added to the relevant matter in the reference persons as "Employee involved in the matter". All their relevant rates are available in the "Authorized rates" tab.