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Troubleshooting your CSV import

Follow a few simple steps to get your CSV ready for mass uploads.

Jimmy Mooring avatar
Written by Jimmy Mooring
Updated over a week ago

Contents πŸš€

Introduction πŸ‘‹

If you have problems opening CSV files in Excel, the steps outlined in this article will have everything for upload in no time.

Step 1️⃣ : Creating your upload 🎨

Once you've downloaded the Juro CSV sample to your desktop:

  1. Create a Blank Workbook in Excel

  2. Go to the Data tab > Get Data > From Text, and select the Juro CSV sample

Step 2️⃣ Delimiting your Excel file πŸ‘

In Excel:

  1. Select Delimited > Next

  2. Select the Semicolon and Comma delimiters

  3. Click Finish

  4. In the Import Data pop-up, leave the default value unchanged and press OK.

Delimiting your MacOS Numbers file πŸ”©

In Numbers:

  1. Click File > Export to > CSV

  2. From the Text Encoding dropdown, select Unicode (UTF-8)

  3. Select Next and specify the file destination

Managing special characters πŸ”£

If your CSV upload contains special characters (e.g. !, @, #), you must save it as a UTF-8 file. To do this:

  1. Click Save as

  2. From the file format dropdown, select CSV UTF-8 (Comma-delimited)(.csv)

  3. Select Save.

πŸ’β€β™€οΈ As always, our Support Team is happy to help you with anything further if needed. Start a chat with us right here by clicking the Intercom button in the bottom-right-hand corner of this page.

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