Contents 🚀
💡 NOTE: You must be a Workspace Admin or Editor to access AI Extract. Users and Viewers will not see this feature.
AI Extract is not available for encrypted files. Juro playbooks are supported in all languages.
AI Extract playbooks: custom instructions for enhanced data extraction 📜
AI Extract playbooks allow you to customize how AI extracts key information from your contracts. By adding custom prompts and instructions per field, you can provide the AI function with full context, explanations and guidance on the required outputs for each smartfield.
Whether you’re tagging standard fields such as 'Counterparty name' or 'Effective date' or extracting advanced fields such as 'Level 2 risk assessment', AI Extract playbooks can significantly enhance your contract management process and build a data-rich repository across your uploaded contracts.
Prompts can be written in any language and it's possible to prompt AI to translate contract data into another language for the provided output.
AI prompts: Standard use cases 🖼️
If the smartfield label is a general or accessible term e.g. 'Counterparty name,' 'Effective date' or 'Term,' AI Extract can provide responses based on the smartfield name alone.
To further guide outputs for standard fields:
Write prompts as if you are providing instructions to a paralegal that has been tasked with tagging your documents (these can be written in any language)
Provide any applicable context and background
Explain the field and the expected output of this field
Specify if this field is mandatory or not
Specify any language/translation requirements
Test with 1-2 contracts and refine prompts as needed
Sharing some examples for standard fields:
Signing side #2 (i.e. counterparty name) | Every document we sign is between our company (Juro) and a counterparty. In this field, capture the full legal entity name of the counterparty, if there are multiple counterparties, capture all the legal entity names into this field and split by a comma. This field must be filled out, you cannot leave this field empty |
Effective date | If the document specifies an effective date, fill that out into this field. If the field does not specify an effective date, fill this field with the date the counterparty signed the agreement. It may be called "Effective date" or just "Date." This field must be filled out, you cannot leave this field empty. |
Start date | This is the date our services start, this is not the same as the effective date. This will most likely be stated in clauses 2.1 or 3.1, fill out the service start date into this field. If the contract does not specify any services, leave this field blank. |
Term | Our contracts have 1 year, 2 year or 5 year terms, the term will be found in clause 1.4. Fill out the term in this field. Some of our legacy contracts have indefinite terms, this can be identified by the word "Indefinite term" in clause 1.2, if an indefinite contract, leave this field blank. |
End date | Using the start date and term (in years) calculate the end date and fill it out into this field. If there is no term specified, leave the end date field blank. If the term and start date are specified, this field must be filled out and you cannot leave it blank. |
Autorenewal | Some of our contracts auto-renew and some do not, this can be identified in clause 4.3. If the contract autorenews, fill this field out with "Yes" if the contract does not autorenew, fill this field out with "No" - you cannot leave this field blank, it is a requirement for audit purposes |
Currency | Read the products and services provided and fill out the currency here, it can only be GBP or EUR or USD. Do not leave this field blank. |
Contract type | If the heading of this contract contains "Non-disclosure agreement" fill this field out with "NDA". |
Internal signatory name | This can be found within the signature section, read the signature block that captures e.g. Juro and fill out the signatory name into the field here e.g. "Jimmy Mooring" - capture the first and last name in this field here. Do not leave this field blank. |
External signatory email | This can be found within the signature section, read the signature block and capture the counterparty's email address and fill out this field. The output must be in email format, do not leave this field blank. |
Contract creator | This can be found below the signature section, it will be labelled "contract owner" or "Juro owner" or "Juro contact", capture the first name and last name and fill out into this field. If these terms are not shown below the signature block, please leave this field blank. |
AI prompts: Custom use cases 🥷
If the smartfield is capturing unique or company-specific data, it's key to add context and explain the field to allow AI to extract the required data and output.
To guide outputs for custom fields:
Write prompts as if you are providing instructions to a paralegal that has been tasked with tagging your documents (these can be written in any language)
Provide all applicable context and background
Define and explain the field
Explain the expected output of this field, providing any examples or calculations needed is extremely helpful
Specify if this field is mandatory or not
Specify any language/translation requirements
Test with 1-2 contracts and refine prompts as needed
Sharing some examples for custom fields:
Contract summary | Summarize the contract into this field, do not use more than 200 words. Focus on payment terms and liability inclusions. |
Team | This field is capturing the team that generated the contract, this is known from the field 'Contract type'. If the contract type is "NDA" fill this field out with "Commercial", if the contract type is "MSA" fill this field out with "Customer Success", if the contract type is "Other" please leave this field blank. |
Notice date | Only fill this field out for Supplier agreements, this can be identified by "Supplier" existing in the title of the document. Our contracts will specify how far in advance we need to give notice to terminate. Using the notice term e.g. 30 days or 60 days and the specified end date, calculate the notice date and fill out this field. If an end date is not specified, it is likely to be an indefinite term contract and this field can be left blank. |
Liability clause | Read the full contract, find the liability clause and paste the full clause into this smartfield. This is usually clause 8.1 or 9.1, fill this field with the full clause. This field cannot be left blank. |
Liability amount | Read the liability clause (either 8.1 or 9.1) and read the 'Liability clause' field and fill this field out with the value we are liable for e.g. £10,000 or £100,000, include the appropriate currency when filling out this field. If an amount is not specified, fill this field out with "Unspecified" |
Level 2 risk? | Read clauses 2.1, 3.1 and 4 to determine the risk here. If the term is less than 2 years and auto-renewal is no and the value exceeds 100,000, fill this field out with "Yes." If this criteria is not met, fill this field out with "No". You cannot leave this field blank. |
Fee | Find the 'Fee' section within the contract, there could be a singular fee or there could be multiple e.g. it might be _% of total revenue or £_ per hour. Fill out the value into this field including the % or amount. If there is no fee section within the contract, fill this field out with "N/A". |
Service inclusions | Read the contract, find the clause that specifies product and service inclusions, this clause usually contains the words "service provisions" or "products" or "services", fill this field out with the clause number. Do not leave this field blank. |
Special terms | Any terms that deviate from our standard terms will be appended to the end of the contract, anything past clause 17. Capture any clauses beyond clause 17 and before the signature blocks into this field including their numbering. Paste all the clauses into this field. If there are no clauses beyond clause 17, fill this field out with "None". |
Refining and iterating your playbooks 🧹
After running AI Extract with your custom prompts, you can review the results and refine any prompts as needed. The more specific your instructions, the more accurate the AI’s output will be.
If you have further questions or want to explore more advanced setups, visit our AI Help Center or reach out to your customer success manager for personalized assistance.