To add DSP Seats and Advertisers, navigate to the Admin Module > DSP Seats tab.
From here, it's recommended you disable the Active Only toggle to display possible DSP Seats Kapoq has visibility into from previous authorizations. See example below:
If the necessary DSP Seats are displayed, use the Re-Authorize button which will open up a modal containing an authorization link:
Copy the link and authorize the seat.
If no seats are displayed initially after disabling the Active Only toggle, select + Add DSP Seat.
From here, select the Marketplace in the dropdown, which will differ if it's associated with a Seller or Vendor. Thereafter, Kapoq will generate an authorization link to connect the DSP Seat.
Once the DSP Seat is connected, you'll need to map the available Advertisers to the account within Kapoq. Select the Blue Eyeglass next to the DSP Seat name to access the view below:
Upon completion, Kapoq will start pulling in historical data. Please give the system 24 - 48hrs to make the data available.