Kapoq’s Keyword Harvesting functionality allows you to harvest converting search terms across all applicable destinations (search terms can be harvested into SP and SB keyword destination ad groups, and ASINs harvested to any product targeting destination ad group), and you can even harvest across accounts. For example, you can harvest keywords from the US and add them to Canada, reducing the amount of spend required to research and uncover the same keywords/ASINs in complementary geographies. In addition, Kapoq’s Keyword Harvesting structure lets you define the initial bid the Target gets assigned when added to the respective destination campaigns.
To start, there are a few ways to manage and build your keyword harvesting rules.
First, you’ll want to navigate to Advertising Settings and to Keyword Harvesting to setup your rule criteria.
Input the Lookback Period and the Minimum Number of Conversions to define the framework the harvesting rule references. Note: this will be assigned at the Account and Brand level.
Then, there are two ways which you can build out your Keyword Harvesting Mappings:
Directly in the Kapoq platform
Through a Bulk Upload Excel file
To setup Keyword Harvesting directly within the Kapoq platform:
Navigate to the Advertising Module
Select the Manage Campaign tab in the top menu
Then select the Ad Group Tab and click the desired Ad Group name which you’ll want to harvest search terms from
Select the Rule Type (Keyword Harvesting or Product Targeting) in the table to the right
And select the Add Rule button
Thereafter, input the details for the Keyword Harvesting Rule to determine the destination Campaign and Ad Group where the Search Terms from the current Ad Group (source) will be added as Keywords/Product Targets when conversions occur.
How to build out the Campaign and Ad Group Mapping:
Input the Account
Then Destination Campaign and Ad Group details
Determine the Keyword Type (optional)
Define the Destination Match Type and Destination Negative Match Type (optional)
Determine the Default Bid Type and Bid Value.
The default bid can be set based on Fixed CPC or % of CPC which references the avg. CPC throughout the lookback period established in your rule.
Note: if using Kapoq’s Bidding Automation, approving the Kapoq bid suggestions or automating the bidding will override this initial setting.
Create Negative Keyword in Source Ad Group
Once the Mapping is defined, save the Rule. The Keyword Harvesting Rule will begin processing based on the rules parameters which are defined in the Advertising Account Settings.
Should you need to add or edit Keyword Harvesting in the future, you can alter the rule in the platform or via the bulk spreadsheet which you can download within our platform.
Sample Keyword Harvesting Set: Harvesting from Auto into Broad, Phrase, & Exact Match Ad Groups, adding Negative Phrase Match Keywords in Source.
Mapping terminology explained:
Source: What Campaign and Ad Group you want the search term data to reference / originate from
Account: The Account which you will harvest Keywords/Product Targets into
Destination Campaign & Ad Group: The Campaign and Ad Group location within the Account where new Keywords/Product Targets will be added during harvesting
Keyword Type (optional): When Branded and Competitor Keywords are added in the Advertising Settings tab, defining the Keyword Type within the rule will harvest only keywords specific to that set
Destination Match Type: Based on the Destination Campaign and Ad Group, the Destination Match Type determines what match type the Keywords will get added as - Broad, Phrase, or Exact Match
Destination Negative Match Type: Based on the Destination Campaign and Ad Group, the Destination Negative Match Type determines the negative match type the Keywords will get added as in the Destination - Negative Phrase or Negative Exact Match
Create Negative Keyword In Source Ad Group: Related to the Source Campaign, determine what Negative Match Type you want the Target added as in the Source Campaign and Ad Group - Negative Exact, Negative Phrase, or Negative Product Target
Default Bid Type & Value: Referencing the performance history from the Source Campaign and Ad Group, define the target's initial bid which will get set in the Destination Campaign and Ad Group during harvesting. Bid options available are based on a Fixed CPC or % of CPC and can be, for example, above 100% or below. Note: If using Kapoq’s Bidding Automation, approving the Kapoq bid suggestions will override this initial setting.
As an alternative, Keyword Harvesting can be setup through the Bulk Upload option found in the Settings Tab.
Selecting the Bulk Upload will provide an Excel download to create your harvesting mappings. This file will include your Account Campaign & Ad Group names to reference, copy, and paste. This approach is likely the best option to leverage when building out Keyword Harvesting at scale across an account with lots of Campaigns.
The following is a screenshot of the Bulk Upload Excel File Template:
Within this file, the secondary tab, Possible Ad Groups, contains all the Campaigns and Ad Groups within the account.
To complete the Mapping, copy and paste each corresponding Source Campaigns and Ad Groups & Destination Campaigns and Ad Groups from the Possible Ad Groups tab into their respective fields, filling in each column with necessary information.
Once the Keyword Harvesting file is filled in, you can save and upload the file back into the system using the Upload Completed Template function.
Should you need to add or edit Mappings in the future, this spreadsheet can be accessed via the download option. You can then edit and re-upload any changes to apply the updated structure.
Now, to process the Harvesting rule, Kapoq will provide harvesting recommendations surfaced as an Alert. These Alerts will populate daily and will present to you a list of new Targets to review and harvest.
Within the Alert, select the checkbox at the top of the table to select all Targets in mass which you can harvest together. Alternatively, you can select each individual target and take action one by one.
When selected, the Action will provide a confirmation screen with details related to where each Target will be harvested and negated. By selecting “Harvest Keyword”, the Action will take place immediately.
Full automation is also available in Account Settings and turning on full automation for keyword harvesting would execute your rules behind the scenes automatically.
All Keywords and Product Targets Harvested get documented in the Change Log within the Advertising Module for review.
Should you have any questions or need support setting up Keyword Harvesting Rules, please reach out via the chat. We're happy to help.