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Negative Keyword & Product Targeting
Negative Keyword & Product Targeting

How to add negative targets in Kapoq via rules, full automation, and manually

Shelby Rothenberg avatar
Written by Shelby Rothenberg
Updated over 2 years ago

Adding Negative Keywords can save you time, money, and help improve advertising efficiencies on underperforming targets.

There are a few ways to add negative targets which we'll walk through:

  • Alerts: Review and negate keyword/product target negative suggestions

  • Fully automate keyword/product target negation

  • Manually add negative targets at the Campaign level

First you'll want to setup the following rule parameters in the Advertising Settings which allows you to set specific performance thresholds which would trigger a Negative Keyword/Product Target Harvesting Alert.

The system will then follow the parameters you've defined and suggest negative keywords to add presented as an Alert.

Note: By default, the parameters found in the settings follow a neutral best practice threshold for Keyword & Product Negation.

To process the rule, Kapoq will present Negative Keyword & Product Targeting recommendations daily as an Alert to review and apply.

You can review and act on these search terms adding them as negatives through the action shown below:

When selected, the Action will display a confirmation screen. Select Create Negative Keyword and the Action will take place immediately:

Add Negative Targets Manually

Adding negative Keywords or Product Targets can take place within the platform manually.

Simply navigate to the Campaign or Ad Group Detail Pages > then to the Negative Targeting to add Negative Keywords

Input the Keyword and define the negative match type as a Negative Phrase or Negative Exact Match

That covers Keyword & Product Target Negation.

If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out!

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