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Branded & Competitor Keywords
Branded & Competitor Keywords

How to Define Branded & Competitor Keywords in Kapoq

Shelby Rothenberg avatar
Written by Shelby Rothenberg
Updated over a year ago

Inputting Branded and Competitor Keywords helps the system define what search terms belongs to your brand vs. what search terms belongs to competitors.

First navigate to the Advertising Settings

We’ll start by working our way down the Settings page updating all parameters to setup a specific account, starting with keywords.

Simply select the +Keyword button and add as many Keywords as necessary to both Branded and Competitor fields.

Note: When adding Keywords in the fields, please make sure to include misspellings. Type the Keyword and click Enter to apply.

Kapoq will then track and group these keywords, assigning badges next to each one within the Targets Tab. Badges will appear as icons next to each Target, shown and defined below:

Adding Branded or Competitor Keywords is useful when filtering performance in the Targets tab. Simply select and apply the filter in the Targets tab to roll up e.g. Branded performance:

In addition, Branded & Competitor keywords can play a role in a Keyword Harvesting Rule, as you can specify what keywords (Branded/Competitor) get harvested. For example, for an individual rule, you can have the system only migrate and promote Competitor Keywords into a destination Campaign and Ad Group.

To learn more about how to setup Keyword and Product Target Harvesting, please take a look at our article -

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