ASIN and Parent ASIN detail pages are now live! View rolled up data at either level, just like the SKU detail pages. Users can navigate here from the Listings dashboard or by selecting an ASIN or Parent ASIN from a SKU detail page
Advertising metrics chips within Manage Campaigns and detail pages can now be customized! Choose your preferred metrics to display and save it down at the user level by selecting the cog icon
Budget details page now has an export to Excel option
Advertising report tag tab now includes % of Total Ad Sales, Ad Sales (Same SKU), and sorted months in the month drop-down
A Min Bid parameter has been added to the Campaign, Ad Group, and Target detail pages that allows users to set a floor on suggested bids generation by automation, including dayparting. Regardless of your minimum bid, the suggested bid will never exceed your max bid, or the maximum bid Amazon will allow for that target
Additional validation has been added to the content audit when there are no descriptions, bullet points, images, or videos
Accounting fees have been broken out into four separate columns in both the Performance and Analytics tools: Referral, Fulfillment, Promotions, and Other
Global Features
Daily Performance sales snapshot now displays at the brand level
Adding new users will default to sending them an email for their initial sign-in
Request Reviews was not adhering to the number of days setting, instead defaulting to 30 days after order
Non-converting search term alert sometimes shows $0 spend search terms due to decimal rounding
Sales history was not correctly populating in the FBM inventory grid
Branded icon was not correctly displaying in the Manage Campaign grids
Duplicate rows were sometimes displaying in the new placement statistics tab of the Campaign details page
Suggested action column in Ad Budget Overview was not behaving as expected and has been removed
Max bid didn’t display properly when overridden at the target level on the Target detail page