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Setting Up Sources
Setting Up Sources
Courtney Taylor avatar
Written by Courtney Taylor
Updated over 2 months ago

Sources act as your address and contact book for shipments, allowing Kapoq to automatically fill in information such as your ship-from address when using the shipment workflow. (Please Note: As of 12/23/24, Kapoq no longer supports shipment creation).

These can reside at either the account level or global tenant level, the latter displaying for all accounts if the setting is turned on.

Below we'll walkthrough setting up a Source and its corresponding information, and then move into assigning the created Sources to a SKU to use as a reference.

The Sources submodule can be found within the Inventory module.

Adding a Source

  1. Select the '+ Add Source' button in the left hand corner to open up the source modal

  2. Fill in the following information and select the 'Save' button:

    1. Source Name - This is the name we reference when assigning to SKUs

    2. Source Type - Select the type of facility from four options: supplier, warehouse, prep center, or freight forwarder

    3. Account Number with Source (optional) - This optional field allows you to provide your account number for the source

    4. Lead Time (in days) - Please fill this in if lead time varies from your account setting

    5. Reorder Frequency (in days) - Please fill this in if reorder frequency varies from your account setting

    6. Global - When this toggle is turned on, the source will be available across all accounts within the tenant. When this toggle is turned off, the user will indicate which account(s) the source belongs to

    7. Active - This toggle can be used to set a source as active or inactive

    8. Notes (optional) - This optional field allows you to notate anything you want to call out for this particular source

In terms of reorder settings, the hierarchy is as follows, with SKU being the highest level that overrides everything else: SKU>Source>Group>Account.

After saving, you may select the notepad icon next to the Source to edit any of the information/settings in this modal.

Please note that the Sources grid does not obey the Account filter. This is purposeful so that if you add a non-Global source when no account is selected in the filter or if you are adding a Source for an account other than the one you are filtered to, you still see the source that you've just created. Sources obey user permissions, so users can only see Global sources and sources for the specific accounts that they have access to.

3. Select the magnifying glass to move into the Addresses section, and using the '+ Add Address' button to open the modal. Fill in the address information and select the corresponding country code. You have the option of indicating if it's a shipping address or a billing address.

The Ship From toggle indicates that the address should be used in FBA Shipment Creation (which has been deprecated); only one address per source may be used at a time.

4. Select the Contacts tab, then the '+ Add Contact' button to open the modal. Fill in the relevant information and then select 'Save'.

If you are shipping LTL, we will use the contact associated with your Ship From address to automatically fill in contact information for pick-up.

Assigning Sources to SKUs

Currently, only one Source can be assigned to a SKU.

There are three methods that can be used to assign sources: one-by-one through the Manage Inventory grid, in bulk using the action menu in the grid, or in bulk using the upload template. Sources are assigned within the All FBA Inventory tab within Manage Inventory.

Method 1 - Individually Through the Grid

Within the All FBA Inventory grid, there is a column labeled as 'Source'. You can click into this column for any item and see a drop-down of all the available sources (both global and account-specific). Selecting one will then assign that source to that SKU.

Method 2 - Through the Action Menu

You can also use the checkboxes on the far left side of the grid to select multiple SKUs at once. This will populate the action drop-down menu at the top, which has an option to 'Change Source'. From there, you'll be able to choose the appropriate Source from the drop-down and apply it to all selected SKUs.

Method 3 - Via Bulk Upload

The easiest method when updating a large number of SKUs or assigning more than one source across your catalog, is using the bulk upload template.

From the Manage Inventory grid, select the 'Bulk Upload' button in the right corner, then choose the '1) Download Excel Template' option.

In column E of the template, select the source you'd like to assign for each SKU. You can also copy & paste the selections down if needed. Save your file once you've made changes.

Please ensure that you are not changing the layout of the template in any way, such as removing the top row, adding or removing columns, renaming columns, adding tabs, etc. Only update the cells that are indicated as editable.

Go back to the Manage Inventory grid, select the 'Bulk Upload' button, and then choose the '2) Upload Completed Template'. You will receive a message indicating if the upload was a success or if there are errors that need to be addressed. Any items that were successfully uploaded will have sources assigned to them in the grid.

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