When viewing the Non-Converting Search Terms opportunity, you'll now see a button to view the PDP for Product Targets. This link was added to help you assess the Product Target quicker and will make it easier take action and add as a negative target in app.
The Excess tab of Manage Inventory now has an export to Excel option for the grid to easily download.
Unit Forecasting workbook now includes all SKUs when creating sales curves, not just Class A. This updated methodology essentially lets more data flow through when constructing the sales curve.
Unit Forecasting workbook is now Google Sheets-friendly.
7- and 28-day moving averages for Product Sales have been added as options to the Performance chart.
Reports button has been added to all of the main modules that will take you to the Reports section of Analytics.
The date picker for the metric chips on the dashboards has been updated to a lookback period instead. Choose from three preset options (last week, last month, year-to-date) or provide a custom number of days to look back at such as last 7 days; these save down at the user level.
Content Audit was incorrectly flagging some hyphenated words as being incorrectly capitalized
COGS upload was ignoring any zero values and not applying them but a success message was displaying as if they processed correctly
Change Log pagination slider was not working for certain page sizes
Changing Content Audit overrides in the Advanced Settings was causing bullet points and videos to flag as not existing when they were actually present on the PDP
Some reviews were displaying the star rating as the review title