Performance, specifically updating keywords and targets, has substantially improved. Our tests show improvements up to 10 times faster than previously, allowing for much swifter modifications in Kapoq’s system. (Bonus Tip: Combine with the Bulk Edit Mode to save even more time!)
Unit Threshold has been added to the Ads Targeting Low Inventory SKUs alert to notate how many units are needed to re-enable paused ads.
A bulk upload option has been added to the Settings tab for Branded and Competitor keywords.
Keyword and search term level stats are now pulling in for Walmart Connect auto campaigns.
Ad budgets can be edited directly in the Ad Budget Overview.
Monthly Financial Impact and Per Unit Fee have been added to the Low Inventory Level Fee alert grid to improve visibility on how this fee can affect your account.
Filtering logic for FBA Shipments Needs Reconciliation alert has been updated to 9 months from creation date. This change will improve identification of historical shipments that may be eligible for reimbursement.
Customer Experience
Two new metric chips have been added to the Customer LTV submodule for average number of days between first purchase and second purchase and from second purchase to third purchase.
Preferred Currency has been updated in the Goals submodule to properly save down at the marketplace currency level. As this changes the method from which it was previously saved, we recommend that you verify all currency values (such as sales, ad spend, etc.) in your previously set goals to ensure accuracy.
Comparison Tool date selectors now include options for This Month/Last Year and Same Period/Last Year. Choose "Same Period/Last Year" in the "Compare to" date selection as a convenient preset for Year-over-Year analytics.
Global Features
Performance improvements have been made to the dashboard metric chips.
Changing the date range in Manage grids no longer clears out applied filters, and clearing out filters no longer changes the tab a user is on
Company list in Admin was displaying the Walmart Advertising API as connected when it wasn’t
Save & Add Widget button in the Goals submodule was not adding the widget to the screen
Bulk Upload option in Goals was not functional
Filtering on the Start Date column in the Campaigns grid was not working
Total Sales metric chip was not displaying in the Products grid in Advertising right away when it was selected in Settings
SBV campaigns weren’t loading keywords due to themes
The ad spend run rate on the export of the Ad Budget Overview was not matching the grid
Some grid rows were being duplicated in Analytics for vendor accounts if there were no sales/COGS due to the new shipped COGS/Sales setting