Filters have been added above the Search Terms grid. This allows for more convenient analysis and sorting at the search term level
Bid changes for Targets and Keywords that have Amazon optimization rules enabled are not allowed; an info hover will display in the grid for these items
Bids and status can now be modified for Sponsored Brands themes
Support has been added for multi-ad group Sponsored Brands campaigns
Only one value will show in the Managed grids if marketplace and preferred currency are the same
Strategy Name drop-down now expands so the text is fully visible
Various performance improvements have been made throughout the module
Monthly financial impact has been added to the Inventory Dimension Change alert, which is calculated based on a change in per unit fees. Fees will display in red if estimated to increase, and in green if estimated to decrease
60 and 90-day stats have been added to the Unit Forecasting grids and exports, and both are also offered as new chart moving average options
Excel export has been added to the Customer Orders grid
New toggle has been added to the P&L views that provides the option to include or exclude non-sellable returns in the Returns COGS transaction line
TACoS has been added as a widget in the Goals submodule
Global Features
For admins, or those with admin access, a new setting has been added to opt users out of product release emails and chat access
Month-to-Date preset has been added to the lookback period in dashboards; please note it will not include the current day’s data
Conversion Rate and Last Wk Sales were off in the Content Audit export for vendor accounts
Alert emails were missing the financial impact amounts
Product search bar in the top nav bar was not working
Manually entering in competitor keywords in the Advertising Settings tab was not working
Sales Metrics chart in the widget was displaying April dates for the first day of May
Branded product targets were sometimes not updating to generic or competitor if their states changed
Area to drop tags in Analytics shrank and could only be used if clicking directly over the text
Top of Search column was incorrectly aggregating as a sum instead of averaging over the selected time periods