Child ASIN tab has been added to the SEO export within the Parent ASIN detail pages. This will allow you to view the SEO data for all associated child ASINs at once.
The Change Brand option in the action menu of the ASIN Catalog tab has been removed since it did not function.
Brand column has been added to the Purchase Orders grid and only populates if all items within the PO are part of the same brand.
Brand filter now functions for both the Purchase Orders and Items grids.
Customer Experience
Selecting the Automate Review Request text under the date selector in Review Requests will now take you to the specific section of the Settings page to update these settings.
Various text and formatting improvements have been made throughout the module.
Global Features
Vendor replenishment category has been added as a metric in the following pages: Vendor Inventory, Vendor Purchase Orders submodule at the PO and item level, and the SKU/ASIN detail pages.
COGS were not displaying in the listing detail pages
When using the View in Analytics button from the Total Sales dashboard chip, Performance would include an extra day, mismatching the totals between the chip and Analytics grid
The currency sign for the Tags tab of the Analytics exports was always displaying as USD even when a different preferred currency was selected; the values themselves were not impacted
Vendor Shipped COGS value in the Totals row of the Comparison export was showing red instead of green when the value increased between the two periods
Vendor unit cost in the Purchase Orders submodule was incorrectly bringing in GBP values as USD, causing the preferred currency setting to display incorrect values when a value other than USD was chosen
DSP URLs for API authorization were not working