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How do I send system information to Karbon support?

If you are having an issue with Karbon, sending us your system information will help us solve your problem faster.

Lachlan Macindoe avatar
Written by Lachlan Macindoe
Updated over a week ago

If you are having an issue with Karbon, you can choose to send your system information, which will provide our support and engineer team with extra details to help them solve your issue quicker. 

How it works:

  1. To send your system information, choose this option from the Help & Feedback menu. This will start a recording of your browser session

  2. Replicate the exact issue

  3.  Once the issue has been replicated, click "Still can't find what you need" to chat with a live agent

  4. Tell them the issue you encountered and also let them know that you recorded the session by sending system information

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