Why can't a client access their Client Tasks?

Your client's access to Client Tasks will be disabled if the work is completed, or if the client tasks have expired.

Andi Ancheta avatar
Written by Andi Ancheta
Updated over a week ago

When the status of a work item is marked complete, clients will no longer be able to access any Client Tasks assigned to them within that work item.

If you need your clients to regain access, update the status from completed to something else. You can then uncheck one of the tasks and resend the client tasks. Or, simply add a comment and your client will receive an email notification.

30 days after the initial Client Task email is sent, the Client Tasks link will expire. If you've set up reminder emails (recommended), the link for your Client Tasks is extended for 60 days from when the reminder email is sent.

Best Practice Tip: If your practice is in the UK and you are doing annual work, it can become an issue that the client tasks close after 30 days. As a workaround, consider setting up your first Client Task email without reminders. Then, set up a second set of client task emails to auto-send later in the year with reminders.

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