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TrulySmall Accounting: Bulk Entry
TrulySmall Accounting: Bulk Entry

Learn how to add transactions in bulk on TrulySmall Accounting.

Kashoo avatar
Written by Kashoo
Updated over 10 months ago

Bulk Entry is a time-saving tool that enables you to simultaneously add multiple transactions on a single page. Income or Expense transactions can be added in bulk under any category or in any currency. You can add transactions manually or copy them from any source of your choice. The most common sources of data are Excel and CSV files.

Step 1

To begin using this tool, go to the Transactions page and select the Bulk Entry button.

Step 2

At the top, you can select between Expense and Income tabs.

Step 3

Underneath, you will see a bulk transaction editor with the following options:

  • Payment/Deposit account: Choose the appropriate bank/credit card/cash account where the transactions occurred

  • Currency: Select the currency that applies to each transaction

  • Taxes: Sales taxes can either be included or separate from the total. Taxes must already be defined in the system

Step 4

Once you have selected each option, you can begin adding each transaction manually or by copying and pasting information.

Step 5

When the bulk entry list is complete and no information is missing, click on the Post button to save them.

Step 6

The posted transactions will appear on the main Transactions page.

Helpful Tips

Here are a few useful tips to keep in mind when filling in columns:

  • Payment/Deposit Account: Accounts that are connected to a bank feed are hidden

  • Date: A date can be selected or typed in manually. All dates must match the system format

  • Category: Account categories can be searched by name or number. The name or number must match exactly.

  • Amount: Amounts should be in the correct format

  • Taxes: All sales tax codes must match existing codes in TrulySmall

Additional tips:

  • Any row can be duplicated

  • One or more rows can be deleted

  • New rows are automatically added for each new line item

  • A "checkmark" icon will appear when a row is ready to be posted (required information is complete)

  • PDF files are not recommended for the copy/paste feature

  • You can quickly navigate through all the fields/columns by using the tab button on your keyboard

  • New clients and suppliers can be added in the Contact field without leaving the page. These are marked with a "new" icon.

Copy and Paste Tool

Please click here to learn how to use the copy and paste tool.

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