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Creating and Editing Business Units

Possible settings in the business unit

Patric avatar
Written by Patric
Updated over 4 years ago

In the admin area under General/Business Units, business units can be created or adjusted. When creating a new business area, the name of the business area is defined.

The different business areas are administered independently in their five areas:

  • General

  • address

  • bank account

  • payment terms 

  • Carriers 

Under Upload stationery or Replace stationery, you can store the letterhead of the business area as a PNG template. This template serves as the basis for creating PDFs for quotations, order confirmations, and invoices. The PNG template should be designed in accordance with DIN 5008 and be available in 2480 × 3507 pixels at 72 DPI (corresponds to 21 x 29.7 cm at 300 dpi). 

The current letterhead is displayed under "Show current stationery".
If you want the letterhead to be printed, you can activate this option.

E-mails are sent directly from Keyline. Here you have the possibility to make the appropriate settings:

You can define the following for the order confirmation:

  • Automatically when placing an order

  • Send by hand

  • deactivated.

There is the optional option of storing a sender e-mail address for invoice dispatch, quotation dispatch and for ordering goods. If the customer replies directly, the reply e-mail is sent to these stored addresses and not to the original sender.

If an e-mail address is entered under "Receive copy of Email", a copy of all outgoing correspondence is sent. (via BCC, i.e. not visible to the customer)

By activating the checkbox "Send e-mail copy to responsible person" a copy is sent to the person first assigned in the offer / order (usually customer advisor). If you want to use another contact person, who should also be informed about all documents, you can create him directly as a sales employee (Sales category) on your behalf.

You can use the e-mail signature to define a company-wide signature. Keyline automatically displays the telephone number and e-mail address of the relevant contact person on the documents. (This data is stored with the respective user).

The text entered under "Additional document information" and "General terms and conditions" is automatically inserted in all quotations and order confirmations. 

The address stored for the business area is, among other things, decisive for the calculation of the distance to the delivery address for the calculation of shipping costs.

Bank Account:
The deposited bank details are currently only relevant for Switzerland (payment slip). In Germany and other countries, this option does not currently have any effect.

Payment terms:
Under Payment Modalities, the standard payment conditions with payment terms in days and cash discount rates in percent and days are stored for the business area.  If you start entering a new customer in a new business area offer, this standard payment condition is set until it is changed manually under Organizations in Customer.

All the carriers you offer are stored here.
Forwarding agents, parcel service providers, postal services, own deliveries, etc.

Each delivery is also indicated with the expected delivery time, so that Keyline can calculate the correct delivery date.
The possible shipping countries are also specified here for each shipping method.

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