Create your own folding patterns

Add and create folding pattern

Patric avatar
Written by Patric
Updated over a week ago

You can create your own folding patterns in the admin area under Folding patterns.This can be helpful if you have more complex folding processes that do not cover the keyline by default.

You assign a meaningful and unique name and select the fold type.
(in this category the folding scheme will be listed in the calculation)

The folding steps indicate the sequence in which a sheet must be folded in order to achieve the desired end result.

Keyline uses its own notation for this, which is roughly based on the JDF folding scheme. In general, there are 3 variables:

  • U: The relative portion of the unfolded (!) sheet that is folded from left to right (= Up). Also requires the relative portion (e.g. 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 etc.) to be specified Example: U1/3 = fold one third (measured on the original sheet) from left to right.

  • D: Analogous to U, only that from the left under the right side is folded (= Down).

  • R: Turn the folded sheet clockwise (= rotate). Requires the rotation degree to be specified (90, 180, 270) Example: R90 = Rotate the entire sheet clockwise by 90 degrees.

The individual steps must be separated with ; .

Example: U1/6;U1/6;R90;D1/2

Fold one sixth from left to right. Then fold another sixth to the right (the length of this section is exactly the same as in the first step, since the calculation is always based on the unfolded condition). Now the folded sheet is turned clockwise by 90 degrees. Finally, fold the half from the left to the right.

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