API access keys

​ Create and manage permissions

Matthias Prinz avatar
Written by Matthias Prinz
Updated over a week ago

You can create and manage new API keys in the admin area in Accounts/API Permissions.

The keys are needed to integrate third party applications like Shipcloud, Slack, CRM systems etc..

If you have created a new API key via the button "Create API Key", you can pass it on to the service provider.

Caution: Keys created in this way have access to all resources of your Keyline account. You can therefore only release API keys for certain organizations, which can then only act via this name. Please create the API key directly at the organization (Sales > Organization).

You can also revoke the key at any time.

Please note that a once locked key cannot be unlocked.
If you want to give the application the right to access Keyline again, you have to create a new code and pass it on to the service provider.

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