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Import X-Pages-Keyline in Excel
Import X-Pages-Keyline in Excel

X-Keyline-Requested-Page in Excel

Patric avatar
Written by Patric
Updated over a week ago

This article assumes knowledge of the general data retrieval of the Keyline API via Excel (Power Query). If you are completely new, please read this article first.

What is this article about?

As described on our API page, records are retrieved in pages. A GET command retrieves a maximum of 200 records at a time. Older data resides on additional pages, which must be retrieved separately by extending the GET query if they are required for statistics, for example. Let's take a quick look at how to extend the header of the GET query accordingly to be able to apply the query to older data.

Initial data retrieval incl. extension of the header of the GET query

If you create a new connection in Excel, you can also add additional headers to the query directly when entering the connection data.

To do so, click on "Add header" (1) and enter the values for the header directly (2)

If your query already exists, you can also directly extend the header of the GET query. This is described in the following section.

Extend the header of the GET query

Directly in the Power Query Editor you can edit your existing query (see article linked above). In the simplest case, you simply copy an existing query by right-clicking duplicate (1) and edit the header (2).

The key for the header is X-Keyline-Requested-Page, the value is the page number you want to retrieve.

You'll get a separate spreadsheet in your Excel workbook for each query, you can merge your data now.

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