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How to adjust your Booster incentive
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Written by Kickbooster Team
Updated over a week ago

You can adjust your commission incentive at any point, while your referral program is live and can choose to do so for individual affiliates or for all affiliates.

Whether you are running a referral program for a crowdfunding campaign or your online store, and adjusting the commission rate for an individual affiliate or program-wide, the new rate will only impact future referrals.

Important note:

  • At this time, you are only able to increase an existing affiliate's incentive. Should you lower your incentive for all affiliates, the lower rate will only apply to new affiliate signups and existing affiliates will remain at the higher rate.

Adjusting your commission rate for all affiliates

Increasing the incentive

Any previously tracked referrals will remain at the original commission rate, and any new referrals made after the commission rate is increased will be calculated using the new rate.

Decreasing the incentive

The lower rate will only apply to new affiliate signups, and all previous affiliates will remain at their higher rate.

How to adjust your general commission rate offering for all affiliates

If you would like to adjust the incentive for all affiliates, you can do so by following the steps below:

1.) Go to your 'Rewards' settings page and adjust the rate accordingly:

2.) Click 'Save and Continue'.

Adjusting commission rate for an individual affiliate

When adjusting a specific affiliate's commission rate, you are only able to increase their rate and not decrease it. The reason for this is that some affiliates put a lot of work (and sometimes their own money) into promoting, so this is a way that we can protect their efforts.

Adjusting the commission rate for an individual affiliate will only apply to new referrals after the increase has been made. Referrals made prior to the commission rate change will remain at the original rate.

How to adjust an individual affiliate's commission rate

If you would like to only adjust a specific affiliate's incentive, you can do so by following the steps below:

1.) Go to your 'Affiliates' page and click on the specific Affiliate's name:

2.) Once in the Affiliate's settings, you can adjust the rate accordingly:

3.) Click 'Save Changes'.

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