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How to write perfect Work Experience section?

Work experience section is the most important part of your resume.

Tomas Ondrejka avatar
Written by Tomas Ondrejka
Updated over 5 years ago
  1. Put your work experience section in the right spot. If you can boast a lot of professional experience, put your work experience section right under your resume summary. If you don’t have enough experience yet, put it just below your education section. Finally, if you prefer to highlight your skills instead of experience, put your skills section first.

  2. Give it a proper heading. You can label it either “Work Experience”, “Employment History”, “Experience”, or try something slightly more informal, like “What is my experience?”.

  3. List your jobs in a reverse-chronological order. Start with your most recent experience and work your way back from there.

  4. Don’t include the job description. Instead of listing what you were supposed to do, try to tell your potential employers what positive results you had.

  5. Write in the past tense. This will help you focus on your past achievements instead of responsibilities. It also sounds better.

  6. Show your problem-solving skills. In the end, hiring managers want to know how effective you’re going to be in solving real problems. There’s no better way to show your problem-solving ability than to briefly describe how you solved difficult problems in the past. Follow the PAR scheme: What was the (P)roblem? What (A)ction did you take? What was the (R)esult?

  7. Quantify results. Hiring managers love measurable results. Because of that, a single number often speaks more than a thousand words. Don’t say that you “increased the company’s revenue significantly.” Instead, don’t be afraid to brag about “increasing the company’s revenue by 20%.”

  8. Use bullet points. Bullet points help you structure each subsection. Try to limit yourself to about 5 bullets per job.

  9. Avoid buzzwords. People used some phrases in their resumes so much, these words have become meaningless. For more, see 10 Buzzwords You Should Stop Using on Your Resume

  10. Use action verbs. Unlike buzzwords, actions verbs carry the weight you need to persuade an employer to hire you. Just to mention a few, these are words like “developed”, “increased”, “facilitated” and others. For more inspiration, check out our Resume Cheat Sheet: 222 Action Verbs To Use In Your New Resume.

  11. Keywords. Reread the job description and carefully pick the most important keywords. These are the words that best describe the position you’re applying for. We’ve already discussed the importance of keywords at the beginning of this guide.

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