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How do I export my accounting information?
How do I export my accounting information?

How to use the Export CSV button.

Zi Lewis avatar
Written by Zi Lewis
Updated over a week ago

From the Admin Dashboard, expand Administration and select Accounting

Click the Report tab to see a breakdown of each category from the Expenses section.

Various exports can be made from each tab, by clicking the Export CSV button, below is an example of the process of exporting the utility costs;

This is a list of all utility allowable expenses, entered for the time period.

By clicking on any of the lines, you can see the actual entry.

If required, you can edit or delete the entry directly from here.

Clicking the Export CSV button will create a spreadsheet and request to be saved on your PC/laptop. The exported spreadsheet will look like this;

You can run export CSV's for each section and collate to send to your accountant or keep as a record.

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