1. To sign Amazon Seller account 1st, we need to create an Amazon seller account or need ID password which already have access in Amazon Seller account
2. Then we need to go to this page: Sign in - Amazon Seller Central
Once the sign is done then we can start downloading the reports. To do that here are the steps:
1. We need to select the states and on the left side there is the menu option
2. In the Menu there is an Order option >> Select Order Reports
Note: If you don’t see the Orders section, please inform the client to grant you access to this report section.
3. To download the current and last two years’ reports we need to go to the All Order New section>> select the Exact date option. Then you can download the reports.
4. To download order reports from more than two years ago, we can go to the Archive Reports section and retrieve the reports based on our needs.