Getting started with Kitcast
Kate Belen avatar
Written by Kate Belen
Updated over a week ago

Welcome aboard! This easy guide will help you to start using Kitcast in a less than 10 minutes!

1. Check if your device connected to the screen

Kitcast requires either Apple TV, or Amazon stick*, or Android-based* solution connected to your screen and to the internet. Please make sure it works and is connected to the internet, for example by opening a web browser and visiting any website. 

2. Launch Kitcast application on your device

If the device works well and the internet connection available, try launching Kitcast application. If it is not yet installed, please visit AppStore for Apple TV device, Amazon Store for Amazon sticks or Google Play Market for Android-based devices.

3. After the application is installed

After the application installed, please launch it by selecting and executing that and check what exactly it shows you. At the first launch, it should be showing you special code to sync with Kitcat's Dashboard. Check if you have it or skip this step if that's not the first launch of the application. 

4. Make sure your device is present at Kitcast Dashboard

Open Kitcast Dashboard at and browse to the Devices tab from the top center Menu.

There click on heavy green plus button and add your device name and setup code that Kitcast gives you. 

5. Play your first playlist on the device

After the device added, it will start playing your Playlist automatically, please check if you see it on the screen. Try adding a few more widgets like images, videos, other feeds and give Kitcast some time to sync added files with the device connected to your screen. 

6. If one of your Playlists is not playing

Please check if you haven't put it on Pause (that is at the top left corner of each playlist). If they're playing, please check time set for the playlists at the Schedule at the top right corner of the Dashboard. 

7. If you want to upload same content for different Playlists and devices

With the Kitcast you can duplicate any widget you've created using the right-hand menu of exact widget you're copying and choose the Duplicate option. There please choose Playlists where you'd like to copy your files.

* Be aware that Kitcast for Android and Amazon devices is currently in Beta so it might work unstable. Should you notice that, please report it to our support team. 

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