Shopping online is more enjoyable when you get the right size. The Kiwi Size Chart & Recommender helps with this. If you're confused by tricky decimals, follow this guide to round them up on your Kiwi size chart.
Steps to Round Decimals on Kiwi's Size Chart:
From your Kiwi Dashboard, navigate to "Styles & Settings."
From there, select "Size Chart," then choose the Table tab.
Under Table Unit Settings, look for the option labeled "Maximum Decimals to Show."
βIn the drop-down menu that appears, select "No Decimals." This option rounds off decimal numbers for simplicity.
βDon't forget to hit "Save Settings" at the top right of the dashboard.
By following these steps, your size chart will display clear, rounded numbers, making shopping easier for your customers. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out.