Configure Releases

How to create favorites/add contacts

Stacy Lane avatar
Written by Stacy Lane
Updated over a week ago

Releases act like 'favorites' or 'contacts' for sending. Using Configure Releases, you can build an address book of fax numbers and Direct addresses to send to. 

To add a release type, navigate to Settings ('gear' icon) and select Configure Releases

  1. Select the “+” sign located in the upper right-hand corner.  

  2. Release Name: Enter the name of the release type (release types should never include any personal information such as patient health information or provider information).

  3. Origin Address or Fax Number: Optional - Select the address or fax number from which the message would be sent when this release type is specified.

  4. Destination Address or Fax Number: Optional - Enter the address or fax number which should always receive a message when this release type is specified.

  5. Message Context: Optional - Select the code or classification for messages sent with this release type. This will allow the recipient EHR to route or process the message based on the context provided.

  6. Default Send Type: Optional - Select the desired format in which you wish to send this release type (Note that this is a default format and may be changed by the user upon release.).

  7. Track Fax Responses: Optional - If your organization leverages the Track The Fax feature, check this box to default Track Fax Responses (barcode) to a checked state for faxes sent using this Release. Note: Track Fax Responses (barcode) can be unchecked by the user if a barcode is not needed for the fax they are sending.

  8. Select Save Changes and the release type will appear in the list.

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