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How to determine the right pacing type for your campaigns

Written by Jess Bolton
Updated over 4 months ago

Pacing allows you to define how often your budget should be spent when advertising opportunities arrive. There are three pacing options to choose from:

  • Evenly: Spreads your budget evenly over the number of days within your budget type and evenly within each given day as well.

  • ASAP: Invest your budget in every opportunity right away.

  • Accelerated: Allocates your budget evenly while meeting peak demand, maximizing your chances of spending your budget within the allotted period.

The below demonstrates the possible spend trends over two months on each of the pacing options.

Expected spend trends based on the pacing:

  • Even Pacing: Distributes the budget evenly across every hour of every day of the month, ensuring consistent daily spend and activity with predictable results.

  • ASAP Pacing: Aims to spend the budget as quickly as possible. This may lead to exhausting the budget quickly, potentially limiting the campaign's duration.

  • Accelerated Pacing: Combination of Even and Asap pacing that aims to keep the campaigns active throughout the month. This pacing can have fluctuations based on the total opportunities available throughout a budget time frame and may utilize your entire budget prior to the end of the budgeted timeframe.

Use cases for each pacing type:

  • Even Pacing: Best suited for properties looking to maintain consistent visibility and engagement throughout the day.

  • ASAP Pacing: Ideal for hotels seeking to maximize visibility and capture booking opportunities quickly.

  • Accelerated Pacing: Perfect for hotels aiming to maximize exposure during peak demand.

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