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How does Kognity address IGCSE syllabus changes?

Find out how Kognity addresses IGCSE syllabus changes

Courtney Librizzi avatar
Written by Courtney Librizzi
Updated over 11 months ago

We review our textbooks whenever syllabus changes are announced.

Cambridge typically produces syllabuses to cover three years of examinations. Minor changes may occur after three years, with a full review conducted after six years. Any syllabus changes are announced by Cambridge every September.

The Cambridge IGCSE Biology, Chemistry, and Physics syllabuses were last revised for examination from 2023, and our resources support these current syllabuses. The Cambridge IGCSE Combined Science and Co-ordinated Sciences syllabuses were revised for examination from 2019. Additionally, we are currently revising the version for 2025 for the last two mentioned subjects.

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