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Do you have any tips on how to edit my profile?

For nannies > Koru Kids Profile

Updated over a year ago

Editing your profile and Koru Kids CV is the final step before being introduced to families. 

Take some time today to edit it, and you could be introduced to families tomorrow!

It will be much easier to edit your CV if you are on a laptop or computer, not your phone.

I need to edit my spelling or grammar 

Here are the top 3 things you should be looking for:

  1. The red squiggly lines! If you are editing on a laptop or computer, then your spelling mistakes should be picked up and will be easy to correct. You could also download Grammarly - which is a browser extension that picks up errors and is really easy to use.

  2. Capitals. Make sure you capitalise the start of sentences and proper nouns, like the name of a school or university. Never use a little i - always use I.

  3. Enough punctuation. Read your CV out loud and you will hear when sentences are too long, or you have forgotten to add a full stop. If it doubt, stick to short sentences.

You could also grab a friend to help you. It can sometimes be difficult to see our own errors when we've spent a long time on something! 

Importantly, you should let us know via text or email as soon as you’ve finished editing.

I need to add content to my CV

Your Koru Kids CV is what everyone who reads your profile will see and how they will decide if you’ll be a great fit for their family. Remember to use your own words - families want to get to know you, not Chat GPT 😉Please note that if you do use AI for your CV, your application may be unsuccessful.

  1. Aim for a page in length. 

  2. Talk about what you did in the past, what you’re doing at the moment, and what you hope to be doing in the future

  3. See if you can answer some of the following questions:

  • Where did I grow up?

  • What were my favourite subjects at school?

  • What are my family like?

  • Do I have siblings or am I an only child?

  • What did I enjoy doing when I was younger?

  • What am I doing at the moment?

  • Why do I want to be an after school nanny?

  • What are my plans and hopes for the future?

  • What do I enjoy doing in my free time?

  • Do I have any unique talents or skills?

  • What am I really interested in or passionate about? 

Remember, you should let us know via text or email as soon as you’ve finished editing.

Can I see an example?

Here is an example of what your whole profile will look like once complete.

You'll be completing the following sections as part of your CV:

  • Story in a nutshell

  • Childcare experience

  • Superpowers

  • Why I love working with kids

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