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What is a nanny share?

For Families > Nanny Service > After School Nanny Share

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Updated over a week ago

This help centre article has been written for the Koru Kids nanny service

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A nanny share is where two families employ the same nanny to help with their childcare. It must include some hours where the nanny is looking after both families’ children at the same time.

Nanny shares come in all shapes and sizes and really depend on what works for each family. For example, two families could share one nanny for all 5 days a week, or one family could employ the nanny for 5 days a week while the other family only employs them for 3 of those days.

Where the care takes place also depends on what works for both families. In some cases the nanny will always look after the kids in one family’s home, in others this is split between the two homes.

How does a nanny share work?

For the hours where the nanny looks after both families’ children (shared care hours) the cost for each family is between £9.75 - £11.25 per hour, depending on the nanny's level of experience and location. You can find a nanny's share rate on their profile.

For the hours where the nanny looks after only one family’s children (sole care hours) the cost is the standard £16.50 - £20.00 per hour in London and £15.50 - £19 per hour outside of London, again depending on the nanny's level of experience.

The nanny will log all of the shifts in our app and can log a shift as either a shared care session (where both families will be charged) or a sole care session with either Family A or Family B (where just one family will be charged). So don't worry about needing to plan your childcare months in advance, it can be quite flexible!

Nanny share example

The Jones Family and the Smith Family want to set up a nanny share with a nanny they've met named Tom. Tom's normal hourly rate is £13.50, while his shared care rate is £10.75 per hour. The families' schedules look like this:

The Smith Family

  • Monday: 3pm - 6pm (shared care)

  • Wednesday: 3pm - 6pm (shared care)

  • Friday: 12pm - 5pm (sole care)

The Jones Family

  • Monday: 3pm - 6pm (shared care)

  • Tuesday: 3pm - 6pm (sole care)

  • Wednesday: 3pm -6pm (shared care)

The Smith family would be paying for 6 hours of shared care a week, along with 5 hours of sole care. This would cost them £132 per week.

The Jones family would also be paying for 6 hours of shared care a week, but they would only pay for 3 hours of sole care. This would cost them £105.

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