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My nanny's pregnant - what do I do?

For Families > Nanny Service > Legals relating to you as the Nanny's Employer

Updated over 3 years ago

This help centre article has been written for the Koru Kids nanny service

Congratulations to your nanny! Koru Kids is on hand to help both you and them at this exciting time.

What Koru Kids will do:

  • Using the government's maternity calculator, we'll calculate whether your nanny is eligible for Statutory Maternity Pay or Maternity Allowance. 

  • We'll send you & your nanny a copy of the calculation.

  • If they are eligible according to the government's tool above, we'll pay the costs of the nanny's Maternity Pay on your behalf. We typically do this as a rebate. This means you'll keep paying as normal, and we'll manage your Statutory Maternity Pay with HMRC. During the period of maternity leave, we'll credit your account for the amount of maternity pay you've paid. You can redeem this credit each month against the cost of your interim nanny, meaning you're never out of pocket.

  • If your nanny isn't eligible for Statutory Maternity Pay, they may qualify for Maternity Allowance instead. We'll help you discharge your legal duty here by sending you both the relevant form ('SMP1') to complete within 28 days of your nanny's request.

  • We'll fix you up with an interim nanny, so that your childcare is uninterrupted during your current nanny's maternity leave.


What you (the employer) need to do:

  • Confirm in writing the start/end dates of your employee's requested maternity leave within 28 days of being notified by them.

  • Conduct a workplace risk assessment - this means identifying any risk to your employee’s health or that of her child. If there is a risk you must remove it or make alternative arrangements. Find out more on the Health & Safety Executive's website.

  • Grant time off for antenatal classes and maternity leave, as requested.

  • Talk to your nanny regularly about any further support they need.


What your nanny needs to do:

At least 15 weeks before the baby is due:

Your nanny must tell you:

  • the date the baby is due

  • the date they want to start their maternity leave (note: they can change this with 28 days’ notice (or by mutual agreement))

  • the date they want to return to work (note: they can change this with 8 weeks' notice)

At least 21 days before their leave begins:

  • give you proof they’re pregnant (e.g. a Mat B1 Certificate) at least 21 days before Statutory Maternity Pay start date (or later by mutual agreement) 

  • Note: Koru Kids will need to see a copy too, as Statutory Maternity Pay can't be paid until proof is received


Your nanny's rights:

Pregnant employees have 4 main legal rights:

  • paid time off for antenatal care

  • maternity leave (up to 52 weeks)

  • maternity pay or maternity allowance (see the 'maternity calculator' above)

  • protection against unfair treatment, discrimination or dismissal

  • ...and they must not work in the first 2 weeks after childbirth

Read more:

If you have any questions, you can always drop us a line at any time.


Please note, Koru Kids is not a law firm, and the above does not constitute legal advice. If you have any concerns, please seek independent advice.

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