Beyond using AI to enrich lists or build lists of prospects, Kuration AI allows you to search for similar companies easily.
Step by step guide:
Click on either of the buttons indicated by the arrows in the image to access the 'Initial List Builder'
Locate the 'Lookalike search' tool.
Enter the Required Inputs for best results:
Website URL – Enter the URL of a company to find similar businesses.
Keyword – Provide a key term that best describes the company’s industry or function.
Number of Companies – Specify how many similar companies you want to find.
Country of Interest – Select a country to filter companies by location.
Deep Learning Search -Describe what the type of company you are looking for does in a sentence.
Finally, Kuration AI will take over automatically and present your search findings in a Spreadsheet as presented below;
Video covering the step by step guide with a practical example: