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Importing & Exporting Your Contacts
Importing & Exporting Your Contacts
Updated over 5 months ago

Import Overview

When importing contacts into kvCORE, you have two options: let us handle it for you to save time and avoid incorrectly importing your data or import the contacts yourself to retain full control over the process.

Regardless of the import option you choose, we recommend that you use the applicable import template as a guide for formatting your file.

Please Note: You will not get New Lead Notifications for leads you manually add or are via a CSV.

Import Templates (Recommended)

Please Note: There is a max file size of 2MB. The file must contain a header row.

TIP for Canadian Users: Add your Postal Code to the 'Primary Zip' column and your Province to the 'Primary State' column.

Option 1: Let Us Handle It

The easiest and surest way to get all of your leads into kvCORE correctly is to contact the Lead Configuration and Import Specialists (LCS) to take advantage of this free and convenient service.

Please Note: If you wish to import more than 7,000 leads you will need to let our team handle the import for you.

Lead Import Request Form

To utilize the service please proceed to the online form located here. Your request will be processed when you follow the steps in the online form. Please read the instructions carefully and watch the short video below for an overview of the process.

If you have questions or issues, please book an appointment to speak with an LCS representative. We will be happy to assist you in ensuring the most accurate import of your lead database as possible.

Please Note: If you would like Smart Campaigns to be automatically assigned to your imported contacts, you will have to use this option. The bulk import tool on its own will not automatically assign campaigns to your contacts if you use it yourself.

Option 2: Do It Yourself

The video below will walk you through the importing process step-by-step! Please schedule an appointment with the LCS should you need help with formatting your import file. Also, be sure to take a look at our lead import template which demonstrates how your import file should be configured.

Please Note: If you wish to import more than 7,000 leads you will need to let our team handle the import for you.

Supported Import Fields

Below is a list of all the kvCORE fields you can import data into for a contact. If you are importing a file yourself, you will need to match each of your file's columns to one of these fields in order for the information to appear in the contact's record in kvCORE.

Please Note: When adding contacts through the Bulk Import, make sure at least one of the contact fields is filled out, meaning the email address, a physical mailing address, or one of the phone number fields.

Not all of the below fields will appear as column headers in the example import template, but they can easily be added as additional column headers and used to import data.

To find the US Import Template, click here.

To find the CA Import Template, click here.

Important: Leads without an Assigned Agent will fail to import.

Hashtag Field Limitations

  • Imported Leads cannot have automated Campaigns and/or Search Alerts assigned to leads using import hashtags (i.e."import1234567") or the Source "Lead Import".

  • Unique hashtags added during the lead import will not trigger any Smart Campaigns or Search Alerts.

    • Smart Campaigns must be added during the import process via the Add Smart Campaign section to all leads in the import.

    • Alternatively, the unique hashtags will have to be added to the leads manually post-import to have the Smart Campaign applied via hashtag.

Import Fields

Tips for Use


First Name

Last Name


Must be in '8/25/1992' format



Secondary Email



Sphere, Prospect, New Lead, Activer Lead, Client, Contract, Closed, Archived.

To learn more about contact statuses, click here.


Work Phone

Home Phone

Cell Phone 1

Cell Phone 2


Primary Address

Primary City

Primary State/Provience

Primary Zip/Postal

Secondary Address

Secondary City

Secondary State/Province

Secondary Zip/Postal


Deal Type

Buyer, Seller, Renter, Vendor, Agent

To learn more about Deal Types, click here.

Average Price

Average price of the closed deal(s)

Last Closing Date

Must be in '8/25/1992' format

Opt-In (Subscribe)

Opt-in Email

Must be 'TRUE' to receive emails

Opt-in Call

Must be 'TRUE' to receive calls

Opt-in SMS

Must be 'TRUE' to receive texts



Must be separated with │

To learn more about Hashtags, click here.

Agent Notes


Can add more Note fields as needed


Spouse First Name

Spouse Last Name

Spouse Email

Please Note: The person in the Spouse field will not receive communications. If you'd like both partners to receive auto-communication add them as their own lead.

Spouse Phone

Spouse Birthday

Showing Appointment

Showing Date

Must be in '8/25/1992' format

Showing Time

Showing Notes

Showing MLS

MLS listing ID for the toured property


Assigned Lender Name

Must match the Lenders' name in kvCORE

Search Alert 1

To learn more about Search Alerts, click here.

Please Note: Search Alerts will default to being sent weekly. You will need to manually update the Search Alerts if you'd like them set to a different frequency.

Minimum Size

Maximum Size

Minimum Lot Size

Maximum Lot Size

Minimum Year Built

Must be in '8/25/1992' format

Maximum Year Built

Must be in '8/25/1992' format


Required for auto-setup of alerts. kvCORE will create a range upon import based on this average price.

Property Type

Property Type ID

Number of Beds

Number of Baths


Required for auto-setup of alerts

Search Alert 2

Minimum Size

Maximum Size

Minimum Lot Size

Maximum Lot Size

Minimum Year Built

Must be in '8/25/1992' format

Maximum Year Built

Must be in '8/25/1992' format


Required for auto-setup of alerts. kvCORE will create a range upon import based on this average price.

Property Type

Property Type ID

Number of Beds

Number of Baths


Required for auto-setup of alerts

Assigned Agent

Assigned Agent (ID or Email)

Use the Agents' email from their kvCORE profile

To learn more about the Agent Profile, click here.



Google, Facebook, PTA Meeting, etc.

To learn more about Contact Sources, click here.


Current/past Client, other Agent, partner's website, etc.

Capture Method

Landing Page, sign-in sheet, website, etc.


Must be in '8/25/1992' format

Last Visit

Must be in '8/25/1992' format

Last Call

Must be in '8/25/1992' format

Canada Only

Please Note: When an Agent or Admin owns a lead if they attempt to
manually import a duplicate of that lead (a contact that has the same email address), the manual import will stop that lead from being imported. One Agent or Admin
cannot own two leads with the same email address

Tips & Tricks

  • If you add a birthdate or closing anniversary to an import you will not need to manually toggle these on within the contact profile! The contacts will automatically have the birthday/anniversary messages sent.

Texting Bulk Imported Contacts: Opt-In Consent

In a continued effort to improve text message deliverability and decrease text messages marked as “spam”, leads must opt-in in order to receive mass & Smart Campaign text messages from kvCORE. This means that mass Text or Smart Campaign SMS text actions will not be sent until the imported contact has opted into receiving text messages.

In order to opt-in a lead must send an inbound text to your Smart Number at kvCORE or register on your kvCORE website. That will automatically opt them in and allow them to receive mass and Smart Campaign texts.

Opt-In Consent Frequently Asked Questions

What constitutes an SMS opt-in?

Opt-in means the Agent has verified in kvCORE that they have consent from the lead to send them SMS text messages. Any inbound text message from a contact constitutes an opt-in. They can also easily opt-in by registering on your website.

Which contacts are impacted by this release?

Contacts that are imported via the Bulk Import Tool (both via the 'Do it Yourself' and 'Let Us Do It For You' methods will be required to opt-in to text message communications post-import.

Are mass emails or emails sent via Smart Campaigns impacted?

We always recommend collecting consent from leads when possible - including for email. However, this only applies to SMS texting per TCPA laws and guidelines as well as carrier restrictions. In order to remain compliant, we require that imported contacts consent to text communication.

How will users know who has opted-in and who hasn’t?

Lead profiles will indicate whether or not the contact in question has opted-into text messaging. The following pinned note will display in an imported contacts profile until opt-in has occurred.

Why Do I Need Email Addresses For My Contacts in kVCORE?

Many automated outbound communications in kvCORE are sent out via email. This is why it’s really important to have a valid email address for every contact and lead in your Smart CRM. Here are a few examples of powered-up automation that are delivered via email:

  • Please Note: The default is to attempt to send by text, however, if not available, the behavioral alert will be sent via email.

  • Please Note: The default is to attempt to send by text, however, if not available, the behavioral alert will be sent via email.

Sometimes, kvCORE will add a placeholder email address in the Contact Lead Record when an email address is not available. For example, Address-only contacts will have a placeholder email address that ends in When you capture potential Sellers who do not fully register as leads, you will also see this address attached to their address-only profile as well. Also, when a lead is captured via a Tracked Call through the Smart Number this placeholder email address is auto-added by kvCORE. Please Note: There is no functionality used for this email address and no emails will be delivered to this email address, it’s for system internal use only.

Here’s an example of a lead that came in from a Tracked Call via the Smart Number that has a placeholder email address.

How to Send a Welcome Email After Importing Your Contacts

Scheduling mass emails not only can save you time but can give you the opportunity to market yourself time and again to your contacts. After adding your contacts to your Smart CRM InsideRE understands that you may want to reach out and welcome them to your site! You can queue up the email to send automatically at a specific date/time.

Please Note: At this time only emails can be scheduled to be sent in the future. Occasionally, you may see a delay in their delivery depending on the volume of your scheduled mass email and the capacity of the email servers at any given moment.

To get started click on the Marketing tab from the main navigation on the left side. Then, click into the Scheduled Mass Emails tile.

This control panel will list all of your scheduled emails. Click on the green '+ Schedule Email' button on the upper right.

This will open the interface to set all of your scheduling and content for the planned mass email.

Section 1 - Recipients

To send a welcome email to newly imported contacts, select 'Contacts with Hashtag' and choose the import hashtag from the dropdown menu.

TIP: To find the hashtag go to the Smart CRM and look under the contacts name.

Admins Only: Then, select the scope. The scope limits the recipients to only those owned by the entity selected.

Section 2 - Time & Date To Send

In this section, specify when exactly you want the welcome email to go out. The timezone will be indicated to the right of the list, which may be different than the timezone you're intending.

Section 3 - Email Contents

Here is where you will enter the content of the email itself. It's like many of the email interfaces you have seen in kvCORE already.

You can use either Basic or Advanced Editor to compose this welcome email.

To learn more about the Basic Email Editor, click here.
To learn more about the Advanced Email Editor, click here.

  1. Template: If you want to use one of your own templates you may select it from this list.

  2. Email Subject: If you use a template a subject should be included! You can always update the subject line to whatever you please.

  3. Message Body: You can write whatever you like for your email body. TIP: Use Merge Tags here to personalize it.

  4. Include Agent Signature: This will include your email signature as specified in your profile.

    1. If you are an Admin you have the option to include the assigned agent signature. You can enable this by toggling the setting on.

Click on the blue 'Schedule' button at the bottom left, and your future email will appear in the list where you can edit it, delete it, and also see the estimated number of contacts that it should be sent to, provided the filtered list does not change.

Additionally, anytime a client replies to an email sent through the feature, the response will be noted in the contact’s timeline.

Export Criteria

Contact Ownership

You may only export the contacts that you own. Typically your owned contacts are the ones that sign up directly on your personal kvCORE website, or the contacts that you import (you can set the ownership upon import.) Contacts that come from your team, or office squeeze pages or ads are owned by those entities.

You can check ownership in the Smart CRM at any time for a list you are working with using the 'Columns' dropdown on the right.

How to Export Your Contacts From kvCORE

Step 1 - Open your Smart CRM

Step 2 - Select Export

Before exporting, you can use Smart CRM Filters to create a specific list of contacts to export.

Click on 'More Actions' -> Export

Step 3 - Email

Specify where you want your file emailed (the email linked to your kvCORE account will be the default). Then click 'Export'.

Your export will be sent from:
The subject of the email will be: 'A Lead Export Has Been Shared With You'

Export Fields

First Name

Last Name



Deal Type


Business Type

Work Phone

Home Phone

Cell Phone 1

Cell Phone 2


Capture Method


Homeowner Status

Avg Price

Avg Beds

Avg Baths

Preferred Listing Name

Preferred City

System Source


Assigned Agent Name

Email Opt-in



Secondary Address

Address Label Line One

Agency Id

Anniversary Message


Birthday Message

Capture Location

CASL Subscription Date

CASL ConsentType







Contact Searchalert Id




Deal Type

Deleted By

Deleted By Imp

Deleted On

Distribution Rule

Distribution Running

Email Type


Facebook Id



First Name



Google Contacts Update

Google Plus

Hashtag Searchalert Id

Idealestate Id

Idealestate Summary

Ip Address




Last Closing Date

Lead Merging


Listing MLSid

Manual Scoring


Owner Id

Owner Type


Poi Address

Poi City

Poi State

Poi Zip

Price Range

Primary Address

Primary Baths

Primary Beds

Primary City

Primary Date Checked

Primary Footage

Primary Sqft

Primary State

Primary Zillowval

Primary Zip


Rating Updated

Rerun Data

Scoring Context

Scoring Next

Scoring Ran

Search alert Hashtag

Second Email

Secondary Address

Secondary City

Secondary State

Secondary Zip



Signup Mls

Signup Mlsid


Spouse Birthday

Spouse Email

Spouse First Name

Spouse Last Name

Spouse Phone






Validate Enabled


Viewed On Mobile

Vow Access Method

Vow Request



Wife's Email



Please Note: Your Agent notes will be included in each export automatically. If you would like to export your CORE Home chat as well, please reach out to our Support team!

Mass Exporting Your Contacts Using Filtered Lists

You can export specific contacts by using the filter in the Smart CRM. This is similar to the basic method but with a few easy, additional steps.

Step 1. - Click on the Smart CRM tab from the main navigation menu of kvCORE.

Step 2. - Click on the 'Filters' tab and set the specific criteria for which leads you are looking to export and apply the filter. Examples of this could be based on the contact's status, behavior, etc. (also note that this will only be applied to the contacts that you own).

Disclaimer: You can see under the 'Assigned Users' tab within the filter the ability to sort through the contact owner. This will show which leads will actually be allowed to be exported via your user permissions. Examples of this are that Agents can export Agent-owned Leads, Admins can export Company or Team-owned leads.

For more information on using Smart CRM contact filters, click here.

Step 3. - After the filter has been applied click on the 'More Actions' tab and from the dropdown select 'Export Contacts'.

Step 4. - Type the email address of which you would like to receive the exported contact list (the email address linked to your kvCORE account will automatically populate).

Step 5. - Click 'Export' on the bottom left. A popup will appear confirming your export.

Import Frequently Asked Questions

What format can I use for date-based columns such as birthday and last closing date?

The format must be mm/dd/yyyy format. There must be a value in the date and cannot be zeroed out (00/00/0000)

How do I format hashtags? How many can I have?

You can have as many hashtags as you would like. Any new hashtags added to the spreadsheet will be added to the CRM. You can add hashtags to the column with the header “Hashtag”. You can add multiples by separating them with a pipe |

To learn more about hashtags, click here!

Can I add a custom source?

Yes, anything written in the source column will be added.

What can I use for deal type/lead type?

You can use any one or multiple of the following:






Multiple Exp:


To learn more about Lead Types, click here!

What if I do not put a status column in my spreadsheet?

The status in kvCORE will default to Prospect if a status is not added to the import.

What if I use a non-kvCORE/btPRO status?

The status in kvCORE will default to Prospect in the CRM

How many emails can I import?

Three emails can be imported: Email, second email, and spouse email

All others can be imported as a note

How many phone numbers can I import?

Five phone numbers can be imported:

Cell Phone 1

Cell Phone 2

Home Phone

Work Phone

Spouse Phone

All others can be imported as a note.

Home many addresses can I import?

Two addresses can be imported:

Primary Address

Secondary Address

How many alerts can I import?

Two alerts can be imported:

Alert 1

Alert 2.

Three additional alerts can be added manually after the import.

Can leads be duplicated?

When an Agent or Admin owns a lead, if they attempt to import a duplicate of that lead (a contact that has the same email address), any import will stop that lead from being imported. One Agent or Admin cannot own two leads with the same email address. For this reason, only contacts not already existing in your Smart CRM may be added this way.

If your duplicates do not have email addresses the system will not be able to detect them and they will be imported. You will have the ability to merge or delete duplicates from your CRM after import. Our Lead Configuration Team does not have an alternate method for detecting duplicates beyond the import tools email detection system at this time.

Why are my leads not opted into group text messaging?

You can individually text a lead. To mass text, the lead must register on your website or respond to a text you sent to opt into group or Smart Campaign texts.

How do I opt-in my leads/contacts into phone/email/text?

Add the following columns to your spreadsheet and include true for all corresponding rows:

Opt-in email



Please review the following documents regarding compliance before texting your leads via kvCORE!

Is there a limit on how many leads I can import?

If you are importing your list yourself, you may import up to 7000 leads. If you need to import more than 7000 within one day you will need to have our Lead Configuration Team assist!

Getting an error when uploading your CSV file?

The error message that pops up should provide you with some info about what is occurring.

Common errors:

Duplicate Columns, Object Object, HTML

Object Object: The file is not saved as a CSV. To note: If using Numbers, make sure the file is exported as CSV and not saved as

HTML: There is a column with HTML code that is interrupting the upload process. This will need to be removed.

What is the difference between Note and Agent Note?

A column with an agent note will auto-map while importing. Columns with the header 'Note' will have to be manually mapped while importing. All notes and Agent notes go into the timeline the same. There is no limit to how many note columns can be added. The header for notes will just need to be updated (Example: Note, Note 1, Note 2, etc.).

What format can be uploaded?

Only CSV may be imported. If you get an “Object Object” error the file is not in CSV format.

Can you import "Location" and "Interest" fields to populate in the Smart CRM?

No, there are no fields in the bulk import tool to map this data to. The location and interest fields populate only once the lead(s) go to the Agent's website and start searching.

Can emails, texts, call notes, etc. be imported?

Yes, previous, text, emails, and other note-type columns can be imported. They will come over as notes and will be located within the timeline.

Please Note: The number of texts and emails sent/received will not change on the dashboard.

What is the Search Alert frequency?

Weekly from the date of import.

To learn more about Search Alerts, click here!

What is the Market Report frequency?

Weekly from the date of import.

To learn more about Market Reports, click here!

What is the Valuation frequency?

Monthly from the day of import.

To learn more about Home Valuations, click here!

Have more questions? Please reach out to Customer Support via the blue chat bubble to the right or by emailing!

(Keywords: import, CSV, contact sync, import contacts, upload contacts, contact upload, export)

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