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[kvCORE] Contact Validation Overview
[kvCORE] Contact Validation Overview
Updated over a week ago


In kvCORE, when new contacts are added, you can request data validation on the info that is created or entered into the system. This will check things such as name, email, and other contact info to cross-reference it with thousands of online sources of data that contain that information.

What is Validation?

In many cases when you shop online, create social media accounts, or sign up for various online services, there is usually a terms page or agreement that you have to accept before using that service. There are many public sources of information out there that contain all this info! We tap into a third-party database of this information that actually cross-references what's out there, and can confirm that an email or phone number is real, and even who might be the actual owner of that contact information. The data validation will also automatically correct small errors in emails and other information. For example, if someone ends their email in yahoo.cim instead of, validation will auto-correct the typo if the correct email is in a third-party database.

Where is the Validated Information?

When opening a contact record, you'll notice a few icons that indicate whether the information was validated.

  1. Ribbon Icon (Next to Name): This icon indicates if validation was run.

    1. Grey - Validation not run.

    2. Green - Validation has been run

  2. Shield (Next to Phone Number): This icon indicates the result of the validation.

    1. Grey Shield with Line Across - Validation not run or not validated.

    2. Green Shield with Checkmark - Information validated.

  3. Shield (Next to Email Address): This icon indicates the result of the validation.

    1. Grey Shield with Line Across - Validation not run or not validated.

    2. Green Shield with Checkmark - Information validated.

  4. 'Validation Run' Timeline Note: This note is the validation summary. It includes any additional information that was found while cross-referencing the contact information provided. It will display things such as social media profiles, gender, age, etc. Anything the validator could find.

  5. Side Panel Contact Validation Information: Here, the validated information will display, along with the date validation was last run.

Note: Lead validation no longer runs automatically within the system, and must be run manually for all scenarios.

How to Manually Validate a Contact

If you modify the contact information in a profile in any way, you can revalidate the information. To manually run validation, click on the ribbon icon at the upper left of the contact's profile.

If you have any questions or need further assistance please reach out to Customer Support via the blue chat bubble to the right or by emailing!

(Keywords: validation, validate, contact validation)

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