This Campaign is set to run annually. Once you’ve copied the Campaign into your own Smart Campaign library you can edit the dates going forward and turn off the annual run if you like.
Don't want to copy/paste everything below? Use this share token for the WHOLE campaign: 407f7787-6fbb-4a2a-905c-5e2cc5bbc35a
This campaign has NO additional triggers/qualifiers (like a hashtag) You may want to add one if you don't want this going to all contacts.
Please Note: The system also has a few holiday email templates not listed here. Search "holiday" when adding/sending emails to find them.
Event | Date | SMS Text Message |
United States New Year text | 1/1 | Hi {lead_first_name}, "Learn From Yesterday, Live For Today, Hope For Tomorrow. Happy New Year." Warm Regards - {agent_first_name} |
*United States Martin Luther King Day text | 1/16 | Hi {lead_first_name}, Today, we are remembering a great leader who continues to inspire us today. "The time is always right to do what is right." - Martin Luther King. Warm Regards - {agent_first_name} |
United States Groundhog Day text (you COULD set this to run for the next two days too :D) | 2/2 | Hi {lead_first_name}, No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow. Happy Groundhog Day! Warm Regards - {agent_first_name} |
United States Valentine’s Day text | 2/14 | Hi {lead_first_name}, Thank you for choosing me to be “The One” to help you find a place you love! Warm Regards - {agent_first_name} |
United States St Patrick’s Day text | 3/17 | Hi {lead_first_name}, I Can Be Your Lucky Charm – call me to find your dream home this year. Warm Regards - {agent_first_name} |
*United States Good Friday text | 4/7 | Hi {lead_first_name}, Sending my best wishes on this holy occasion of Good Friday. May your heart be filled with kindness, joy, and happiness. Warm Regards - {agent_first_name} |
*United States Easter text | 04/09 | Hi {lead_first_name}, Spring adds new life and new joy to all that is. Happy Easter! Warm Regards, {agent_first_name}{agent_website} |
United States Earth Day text | 04/22 | Hi {lead_first_name}, “Where flowers bloom, so does hope.”-Lady Bird Johnson. Warm Regards, {agent_first_name}{agent_website} |
United States Cinco De Mayo text | 05/05 | Hi {lead_first_name}, Thanks for choosing me to be the chips to your salsa for your real estate needs. Happy Cinco De Mayo! Warm Regards, {agent_first_name}{agent_website} |
*United States Memorial Day text | 05/29 | Hi {lead_first_name},“To those in uniform serving today and to those who have served in the past, we honor you today and every day.”- Unknown {agent_first_name}{agent_website} |
United States 4th of July text | 07/04 | Hi {lead_first_name}, “I believe in America because we have great dreams, and because we have the opportunity to make those dreams come true.” – Wendell L. Wilkie. Happy 4th of July! {agent_first_name}{agent_website} |
*United States Labor Day text | 09/04 | Hi {lead_first_name}, “Genius begins with great works; labor alone finishes them.-Joseph Joubert Happy Labor day! -{agent_first_name}{agent_website} |
*United States Native American Day text | 09/22 | Hi {lead_first_name}, Great civilization is measured by people and how well they have learned to relate their environment and fellow man. On this Native American day, Let us hope for an even prosperous civilization in future.{agent_first_name}{agent_website} |
United States Halloween text | 10/31 | Hi {lead_first_name},When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam, |
How to Add a Campaign to Your Library Using a Sharing Token
Click on the 'Marketing' tab. Find Smart Campaigns in the list and select 'Manage Smart Campaigns'.
Click the Copy button on the far right.
Paste the Sharing Token from the Campaign you are copying from.
Hit 'Enter' or the Copy button again.
A pop-up will appear. Click 'Yes' when prompted.
Please Note: The campaign may take up to 15 minutes to clone.
Once the campaign is live in your account make sure to toggle it on to enable it.
Have more questions? Please reach out to Customer Support via the blue chat bubble to the right or by emailing!