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I can't see content, why?
I can't see content, why?
Updated over a month ago

If you have problems viewing content or simply cannot see it, there may be different reasons for this. Here you can find the most common ones.

  • You are not subscribed to L1 Max:

To access live content, you must have an active subscription to the service.
To do so, visit, register by creating a username and password, choose a plan, select your payment method and, finally, confirm your subscription.

If you are sure you are already subscribed and you still receive the message "You need a subscription to continue watching...", verify that you are actually logged in with the account you subscribed to.

  • The event is not active yet:

Live events are loaded 15 minutes before they start. If you have logged in before that period and the content does not appear, refresh the page or log in again.

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