⚠️ If you are a parent, you don't need to enter an email address and a password. Instead, you will need a home code - everything is explained in this article :)
If you are a teacher, and you do not use Clever or the Renaissance platform to log in, you can follow the steps below.
You are not logged in to Lalilo
Go to this page: app.lalilo.com;
Click on Forgot password?;
Enter the email address you use to log in to Lalilo.
You will receive an email from which you will be able to reset your password.
If you don't receive the email (and it's not hiding in your spam inbox), please email us at lalilosupport@renaissance.com. Your Lalilo account may not be linked to the email address you had in mind, or there may be a typo in it - we will be able to check this for you.