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The introductory activity
Estelle Acart avatar
Written by Estelle Acart
Updated over 2 months ago

Lalilo has an introductry activity. During their first session, students spend a few minutes on adaptive exercises that analyze their strengths and areas of growth. Lalilo then places students at a starting lesson that is appropriate for their skill level. Once students have finished the introductory activity, you can view a student's starting lesson in your teacher dashboard. 

If your students also use Star Early Literacy or STAR Reading, click here to find out how their Star Early Literacy score/STAR Reading will improve the precision of the introductory activity.

What is the level of the introductory activity?

The teacher will select the introductory activity starting point for each student, no matter their class grade.

For instance, a 1st grade student who's a proficient reader can be put as a 2nd grade for the introductory activity. The level of the introductory activity will be adjusted according to the answers given by the student.

Note : For RGP students, the starting point will be the class level they have on RGP. Students who appear as "Transitional Kindergarten" on RGP will be mapped as "Kindergarten" for their starting point.

How long is the introductory activity?

Students will need about 10–15 minutes to complete the activity. Its two parts correspond to the first two yellow dots on the journey map.

If the foundational vocabulary unit is activated and performed by the student, the stars related to the introductory activity will be blue.

Where can I see the activity's results?

The lessons that have been skipped by the introductory activity correspond to the striped tiles on the Lesson View.

Once some of your students have started taking the introductory activity, you will be able to keep track of who has completed it, who is completing it, and who has not started it yet.

To check where they have placed in our progression, go to the Progress Report tab.

In the example below, taken from a Kindergarten/year 1 class, we see that Emma has performed above her grade level, while Jade is at the beginning of her grade level. They will have a different starting point in our progression, to make sure that Jade can catch up with her classmates, and that Emma will see challenging content.

The introductory activity is too difficult

That's actually okay ;) The artificial intelligence behind Lalilo will use the results to position the student on the appropriate starting lesson, so wrong answers will help to assess their level.

Can a student retake the introductory activity?


If you are the primary teacher of a class, you can reassign its students the introductory activity. (Co-teachers do not have this option and would need to ask the primary teacher to do it.)

To assign a new introductory activity, you can go to the Progress report, and click on Reassign introductory activity at the top right.

Students will take the new introductory activity when they log back in, but it will look like regular exercises on their end. On the Lesson view, their validated (green) lessons will remain validated, but their striped tiles will update to reflect the results of the new introductory activity. After the activity, students will have a new starting point in the Scope & Sequence.

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