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There is an issue with the microphone

On the read-aloud exercises, when the student is listening back to his.her recording, there is no sound on it.

Estelle Acart avatar
Written by Estelle Acart
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Read aloud exercises are available on updated versions of Chrome, Safari and Firefox. For iPads, your iOS version needs to be at least 14.5.

If you are using a headset, please check that it has been plugged into your computer or tablet properly. Then try to refresh the page.

If the issue is still there, you can go to the Sound Settings on your device and check in the Input or Recording Audio Device if there is a microphone and that the input level is not set to 0 or muted.

If after those checks you still have the issue, you can deactivate the read aloud exercises either for this device, or from the student's profile if you are a teacher.

De-activating the microphone from your device

When you are on Lalilo, select the little lock symbol to the left of the URL. You will see "Microphone" and a menu with "Authorize"; select this menu and then select Block.

De-activating the microphone for a student profile

From the teacher account, you will need to go to Settings > Students on the left menu, then click the "Manage options" button next to the student's name and toggle off the read aloud exercises.

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