If you can no longer hear the instructions or the voice over, please check the troubleshooting steps below:
Check to make sure your browser and operating system are updated to the latest versions. Lalilo will need the minimum versions listed here.
On computers, reload Lalilo's page ("reload" button with a round arrow icon);
On tablets, close the Lalilo tab, go to Safari or Chrome and open a new tab from app.lalilo.com;
On iPads, make sure "Silent" and "Do not disturb" mode are disabled, from the iPad settings. These are the bell and moon icons. You can also check out the control center, by swiping down from the top right-corner of your screen (or from the bottom corner depending on your iPad version);
If you use Airplay, please deactivate it from the Airplay settings while your child is using Lalilo;
On Safari, check that the "GPU Process: DOM Rendering" is de-activated:
Click on "Safari" -> "Preferences" in the top menu. Then go to "βοΈ Advanced", and make sure you have activated the Develop menu in the menu bar;
Then click on "Develop" in the top menu -> "Experimental Features", scroll down to "GPU Process: DOM Rendering", and de-activate it. Refresh your Safari page: you should now hear the voice of Lalilo!
On tablets, reboot it if the problem persists.
If the sound stops when you remove headphones, this is usually a normal behavior, meant to make sure that people around you won't hear what you have been listening to, in case the unplugging happened by accident. Depending on the device you are using, the sound may resume automatically after a few seconds, or you may need to refresh the page.
If the problem remains, you can write to lalilosupport@renaissance.com and add a detailed description of the issue, as well as a screenshot (full screen). This will help us solve the issue.