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Selecting a grade level

Editing the grade level, multiple grades

Estelle Acart avatar
Written by Estelle Acart
Updated over 11 months ago

When you create your class, you can select a grade level that can be different from the introductory activity level of your students. (For more info on how the introductory activity works, please have a look at this article.) By the end of the introductory activity, your students will be given a starting point in the Lalilo curriculum, based on their individual needs. A 1st Grader may work on 2nd Grade lessons if they are already very advanced. Similarly, a struggling 2nd Grader may start their journey with 1st Grade lessons.

My classes have been rostered via the Renaissance Growth Platform

You will not see any grade level from your Lalilo dashboard, but it will have been determined by the information we pulled from the Renaissance Growth Platform.

My classes have been rostered via Clever

Once your class is synced with Clever, you will no longer be able to edit its grade level. If you have made a mistake when syncing the class, please note that the grade level you put in for your class does not have a noticeable impact on your students’ Lalilo experience. Everything in Lalilo, including the introductory activity, is adaptive. Therefore, Lalilo will adapt to the needs of your students depending on how they answer the questions.

My classes have been manually created

Lalilo’s curriculum covers Kindergarten, the First Grade and the Second Grade. However, it is used as early as Pre-K, and sometimes beyond Second Grade to help struggling students.

When you create your class, you will be able to select Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, Multiple Grades, or Other.

The grade level you select will determine the level of the class only. When your students take the introductory activity according to the level you selected for each of them, the remaining 29 questions will adjust to each student’s answers. By the end of the activity, students will be placed depending on their individual needs, and not depending on the grade level you had selected.

How can I change the grade level of my class?

Currently, there is no easy way to check or modify the level of a class. Fortunately, the grade level you put in for your class does not have a noticeable impact on your students' Lalilo experience. Remember that everything in Lalilo, including the introductory activity, is adaptive. Therefore, Lalilo will adapt to the needs of your students depending on how they answer the questions.

However, there are options for classes that were not rostered via Clever or Renaissance:

  • If your students haven't started yet, you can delete your class and create it again with the correct grade (or the closest one to the grade level of your students). To delete your class, click on the gear below your class name.

    Co-teachers will not have the option to delete the class. If you are a co-teacher, please ask the class's primary teacher to do it for you.

  • If your students have already started Lalilo, don’t worry: the initial pre-introductory activity will place them approximately at the right spot in our scope & sequence. At the beginning of the next school year, their grade level won’t need to be adjusted. Students will be able to access all the lessons regardless of the time of the year or of their grade level.

What about multiple grade classes?

If you have a multiple grade class (for example, 1st and 2nd Graders), you have two options:

  • Either you create one multiple grade class, with all your students in it. The introductory activity will determine where they should start in our curriculum, regardless of their actual grade ;

  • Or you can create two classes, one for your 1st Graders and for for your 2nd Graders. The beginning of the introductory activity will be different, but it will adjust to each student’s needs regardless of their grade levels.

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