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Using Lalilo for dual immersion (handling different languages)
Using Lalilo for dual immersion (handling different languages)

Dashboard language VS class language. French classes/exercises VS English classes/exercises under the same teacher.

Estelle Acart avatar
Written by Estelle Acart
Updated over 5 months ago

In France, Lalilo can only be used in French. As a result, the rest of this article doesn't apply for France.

However, in every country outside of France, Lalilo can be set to either English or French.

The language for the exercises of a given class is chosen by the teacher when they create the class: Choosing the language of the exercises

The teacher's dashboard can be set to either English or French by the teacher at any moment: Choosing the language of my dashboard

It is possible to have some classes in French (which means exercises in French) and others in English (which means exercises in English).
It is also possible to have all classes in one language and the teacher's dashboard in the other.

What are the key differences between Lalilo English and Lalilo French for the exercices?

  • The English version is based on US state standards. It shows reporting for these standards, based on your state.

  • The French version relies on the French national standards.

  • Both programs include lessons on phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency & word recognition, comprehension, and language study (grammar & conventions). The order in which these things are taught and the number of lessons in each component reflect the specifics of the language and instructional methodologies of each. You can see how lessons break down in both Scope and Sequences documents (French / English)

  • The EN program covers standards from grades K to 2nd grade. The French program covers Grande Section-CM2 (ie SK to 6th grade). There are less phonology/phonics/spelling lessons in French than in English, because French vowels are easier to learn than English vowels.

  • Both programs use the same adaptive technology, student engagement features, reporting features, etc. Only the content differs.

Best practices

Scope and Sequences document

The Scope and Sequences document can be found in the teacher's/administrator's dashboard by accessing the "Resources" tab at the top and clicking "Scope and Sequences".

The standards are listed in it but we haven’t detailed the correlation between each standard and each lesson, because most lessons cover several standards.

This document is in French and aligns with the French curriculum (Grande Section and cycles 2 and 3). It is not a translation of the English Scope and Sequences document.

This document is in English and aligns with lessons in the English language in the US (K, 1st and 2nd grade). It is not a translation of the French Scope and Sequences document.

Why the language might be wrong for you on the classroom selection page, after entering the school code or using the "Student View"

If you are connecting through the Student View on the teacher dashboard, make sure it is set to the right language.

If you are connecting via the school code, there are two possibilities:

  • Browser Settings: If the Browser is set for French Language at default, then the selection pages will default to French. If the Browser is set for English Language at default, then the selection pages will default to English.

  • Shared Devices: If connecting with the school code, the class selection page will commonly default to the most recent selection language. So if the students have a shared computer space, and one class connected to a French class via the school code, the Selection page when next connected will be in French.

Things to keep in mind with dual immersion

  • The language of the class cannot be changed after it has been created. If it was set in the wrong language, you will need to delete and recreate the class.

  • Students cannot be transferred from an English class to a French class (or vice versa). When you attempt to transfer the student, you will only see classes with the same language appear in drop down menu.

  • Lalilo’s current system doesn’t allow a student to work on two languages (either a student is French either it is English). If you are using an SSO (ie Clever or RGP), there will only be one student profile rostered, so it is necessary to choose one language.

  • All the RGP classes will be in English. French users that wish to have students use the French Learning Progression should use an alternative method to roster students.

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