Creating and uploading your first studio product on is a seamless process. This guide will walk you through each step to add a new product on your account.
Before starting, if you haven’t done so yet, please head to this article:
In this article, we’ll take the example of creating an A4 print.
Steps to follow to add a studio product
Step 1: Create a new product
From the homepage, go to The studio > Products. This is the page where you can manage all the files you’ve uploaded and add new ones.
Click on the “+ New product” button and select the file you want to upload onto the platform.
A new page opens to configure the characteristics of your print.
Step 2: Choose mounting options
First, you’ll see that you can chose from 3 mounting options: Print only, framed print and ready to frame. Here, we’ll go over how to create a print only edition.
Refer to other articles for framed or ready-to-frame products.
Step 3: Select paper type
Head to the “Paper type” section. From there, you can choose your paper from our 9 references. Click on “read more” button to access our paper comparison table.
If you need more information to make a choice, head to our article bellow.
Step 4: Set print size and margins
Head now to the print size section.
From there, select the print size. The print size corresponds to the final size of the paper you will receive, including possible margins (ie Print size = Paper size).
Adjust the margins with the cursor within the limits of the paper size. This action will modify your printed area. The printed area corresponds to the actual printed size of your artwork (ie Printed area = Printed size).
If you don’t want any margins (and if your artwork ratio does not match our paper size ratio), you will either have to crop your artwork to the paper size ratio selected or to go for a custom paper size.
Step 5: Save and name your product
After setting all parameters, click 'Save' and enter your artwork's title.
Once saved, your edition will appear in its own product page like pictured bellow.
You can always update your product by clicking on the “…” > “Edit variant”