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Portal orientation
Kelly Jones avatar
Written by Kelly Jones
Updated over a week ago

Good day!

If you are brand new to the Portal and want to learn more about the different views available please review this article!

This article will provide an overview of the key features available in the Portal and different actions you can take in each view. Happy exploring! As always, feel free to share your feedback at


School Dashboard

The School Dashboard informs school users of the performance of their school so that strategic decisions can be made accordingly. Users can monitor key school metrics, such as daily attendance, course failures, and much more, all in one place.

What school wide data points can I review in the Portal?

  • Click Dashboard from the Left-side Navigation and review the tiles available

How do I learn more about what the data point means?

  • Hover over the i in the upper left corner of a tile of your choice to learn more information

How can I see the breakdown of the rolled up data point?

  • Click on the tile that most closely relates to the data point you want to see which will take you to the Breakdown View

Breakdown View

The Breakdown View shows a bar graph breakdown for a visual representation of the data selected. Here users can use the dropdowns to filter and hone in on more specific subgroups. Underneath the bar graph, data are displayed by group in an easy-to-read table.

What is the current focus of the dashboard and how can I use it to hone in on a specific group of students?

  • Review the three blue dropdowns at the top of the dashboard to understand the focus of the dashboard, the students viewed, and the way those students are being grouped. To narrow down your focus, click on the 2nd dropdown to select the students you would like to view and the 3rd dropdown to select how you would like to group those students.

What is the relationship between the average line, bar graph and the table below?

  • Review the average (dotted line across the graph) displayed to understand if student groups fall above or below average for your school. Hover over each bar to review its value. Then, review the data displayed in the table below. Click on a column header to sort data from least to greatest (and vice versa).

How can I see the specific students that make up each of the represented groups?

  • Click on a row in the table to open the Student List view which will show you the list of students representing the numbers in the table

Student List

The Student List shows you the students accounted for in the numbers displayed in the Breakdown View. Drilling down from the school level to the student level makes the data actionable by highlighting students potentially needing additional support or outreach.

How can I see the distribution of my students across categories?

  • Review the SUMMARY on the right hand side to view the distribution of students across each group category. Click on the group of students in the SUMMARY table to review that list of students.

How can I get more information about what the data point represents? Can I sort the column?

  • Hover over each column header to understand more about the data point represented. Click on a column header to once sort student data in ascending order and click a column header twice to view the data in descending order.

How can I review additional data for a student?

  • Click on the student’s name to bring you to their Student Profile

Student Profile

The Student Profile is a snapshot of key data about the student. For example, SWD and ML status, attendance, state exam scores, and other key academic data. Exploring individual student data allows users to identify where a student may need extra support.

How can I review the categories of data available in the Student Profile?

  • If panels are collapsed, click on Expand panels under the student's name to scroll through different panels and learn more about their attendance and academic history. Clicking on the name of the panel will expand it and allow you to see the corresponding data.

Can I edit fields in the Student Profile?

  • Expand the Contact Info panel and then select Edit student's information to add student home phone, mobile, email, and parent/guardian email. Please note: Only certain users have editable access. ( School-wide editors, Caseload Editors and Admins)

How can I see the student’s attendance trends to decide whether or not I would like to place the student into an attendance support?

  • Navigate to the Attendance panel to look for monthly and weekly attendance trends. For example, you can review attendance for the past 20 days, 10 days, and 5 days. You can also review attendance by weekday to see if there are attendance patterns by day of the week.

Where can I find the number of days the student has been absent or late?

  • Navigate to the Attendance panel and scroll over the number under the columns, PAST 5 DAYS, PAST 20 DAYS, and THIS YEAR

What actions can I take for the student I’m viewing and how can I see the past actions others took?

Under the student's name you’ll see the actions you can take for an individual student. For example, you can generate a student report or enter notes. On the right side you can understand any actions that have been taken for this student, who took those actions and when those actions were taken.

How can I print a PDF report of key student level data?

Follow these steps to learn how to generate student attendance reports:

  1. Select Generate Report from the toolbar at the top of the Student Profile

    1. Report option:

      1. Attendance Report - Allows users to view student attendance trends for the current school year with a monthly breakdown of specific dates missed, and monthly attendance percentage

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