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Data Grid orientation
Kelly Jones avatar
Written by Kelly Jones
Updated over a week ago


The Portal makes it easy to see essential student data alongside each other. In the Portal, the Data Grid is a view that displays student-level data in a spreadsheet-like format, including: demographics and attendance. The purpose of this feature is to let you customize the data you want to see by adding or removing columns and filtering or sorting the data to get the view you need. The Data Grid reduces the need for users to take data out of the Portal by bringing all information together in one place. To access the Data Grid click on Data grid from the main left sidenav.


Columns and Rows

The Data Grid displays one row for every student with hundreds of columns from data represented in the Portal. Users can use the columns to create custom groupings and filter for the most critical student groups.


Action in Grid

Can I filter the data in the grid?

Hover over the column header you want to filter and click on the hamburger icon.

Then click on the filter icon and uncheck the vales you want to remove, leaving only the desired values selected.

Use the dropdown and dialogue box that appears to select how you want to filter the column.

Can I sort the column?

You can sort any column in the grid in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column header. The arrow will indicate the order the column is sorted.

How can I customize what data I’m looking at?

Click on edit columns in the tool bar. Then, click on All fields and use the dropdowns to select the categories you want to view. Then check or uncheck the boxes to select the columns you want to review within the category or categories selected. When you have finished your customization, click Apply columns in the right hand corner.

Batch Actions

Users can use the Data Grid to perform batch actions. Batch actions allow school staff to efficiently take an action for a group of students at the same time, rather than performing the action per individual student. For example, users can easily narrow down to a similar group of students to generate student reports, assign students to the same support, or edit student fields for these students.


Action in Grid

What if I want to know more about an individual or group of students?

Click on the Batch actions in the tool bar. Check the boxes next to the names of students’ you want to review individual profiles for. Once you have selected your students, click on View profiles. When you finish reviewing a student’s profile use the arrow in the upper right hand corner to scroll to the next student.

What if I want to assign students to a support based on what I filtered for?

Click on the Batch actions in the toolbar. After you click on batch actions you can check the boxes next to the names of students you want to assign to the same support. After you have selected your students, click on Edit and select Assign support from the Supports dropdown.

Other bulk actions you can take are removing or completing a support, generating reports, and assigning point people.

Can I export my current view into a spreadsheet?

Any filtered view can be exported to a CSV by clicking on Export CSV in the toolbar

Example Student Group

Below is an example of a key group of students you may want to look at in the Data Grid. If you would like to assign them to academic or attendance supports to ensure their success, click here for more information.

Student Group

Action in the Grid

Filter for attendance by week, and focus on the last three weeks to review patterns in the days missed.

Select Edit columns from the toolbar

Click on All fields and use the first dropdown to select the category: Attendance- By Week

After selecting this category, click Filter. Then scroll through the list of columns to select dates associated with the last three weeks.

Finally, click on Apply (number of columns selected) columns.

Sort the most recent week’s column in descending order. Look across the other two week’s attendance columns to look for trends. Are the number of absences declining across the weeks? Increasing? Remaining the same?

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