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IPL Safety Glasses Buyers Guide
IPL Safety Glasses Buyers Guide
Updated over a month ago
IPL Safety

When deciding which intense pulsed light (IPL) safety glasses to purchase, there are several different technical specifications, applications, and filter coverage associated with each pair.

In accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and IPL standard EN 12609-1, we have outlined the necessary information for laser operators, institutional managers, and patients alike.

What IPL filter do you recommend for IPL hair?

For patients we typically recommend IPL Shade 5 as it makes them feel safer, whereas the person applying the treatment we recommend the person use Shade 3 (for better visible light transmission). Always be sure to check, but both are usually appropriate for both roles.

IPL Shade 3

IPL Shade 5

IPL Shade 5 - Patient

IPL Shade 3

IPL Shade 5

IPL Shade 5 - 60 Frame

IPL Filter: Shade 3

SKU #: 100-00-150

IPL Filter: Shade 5

SKU #: 100-00-155

IPL Filter: Shade 5

SKU #: 100-60-155

To mitigate ocular damage, IPL manufactures conform to IPL standard EN 12609-1. For IPL wavelengths, the relevant filter coverage includes IPL 2, IPL 3, and IPL 5 safety glasses.

How is IPL filter coverage determined?

Each rating protects against the full spectrum of IPL wavelengths and provides various protection for the eye sensitivity of the user. Marked with European Conformity (CE), these safety glasses include the following specifications:

IPL Chart

When determining which filter coverage is right for your unique IPL usage, user light sensitivity should be taken into consideration.

Where are IPL safety glasses used?

IPL safety glasses are used primarily within surgical, ophthalmologic, and dermatologic settings where laser-related biological impacts are possible.

Specific use-cases include:

  1. Scar removal

  2. Dry eye therapy

  3. Hair removal

  4. Wrinkle treatment

  5. Vascular lesion therapy

Why are IPL Safety Glasses Needed?

IPL treatments usually take place in multiple sessions and typically range from 5 to 20 minutes per session. Depending on where the IPL procedure is conducted, direct beam exposure may not be a risk consideration. Due to reflection and refraction, however, there is a significant risk of indirect exposure. In turn, any operators or patients in the vicinity of IPL are required to wear PPE.

Where to purchase IPL laser safety glasses?

At Laser Safety Industries, we provide European Conformity IPL safety glasses with both IPL 3 and IPL 5 filter coverage. Our safety glasses include fit-over-frame sizing, adjustable frames, and side protection.

Each product is clearly engraved with the appropriate specifications.

For any usage of IPL systems, the correct safety glasses can prevent biological harm. If you have any questions about our product specifications, how to order, or which safety glasses to purchase, we are available directly via our contact page.

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