Always consult your on-site Laser Safety Officer (LSO) for specific guidance. Required optical density (OD) and laser safety personal protective equipment (PPE) are determined based on worst-case scenarios and require professional judgment. All laser safety equipment provided is intended for diffused beam viewing only.
It is always best to look for the required optical density at the stated wavelength the manufacturer provides. For lasers that operate between 10,000nm and 11,000nm we can provide an optical density of 6+ (OD6+ @ 10,000-11,000) with our 400 window (please see here or below). For an economical option of Co2 Eye wear with an OD 6+ over the 10,000nm-11,000nm, please see our 100-xx-101 filter.
Please feel free to each out to us via phone or shoot us a note for a formal quote at
Please see our 400 window here:
Please see our guide on reading optical density notation below:
Please see our laser safety window buyer's guide here: