Always consult your on-site Laser Safety Officer (LSO) for specific guidance. Required optical density (OD) and laser safety personal protective equipment (PPE) are determined based on worst-case scenarios and require professional judgment. All laser safety equipment provided is intended for diffused beam viewing only.
For this range we have two eyewear options:
1) Our 125 filter is the most economical option with OD of 5+ over that range, marked an OD 5+ 855-1085nm and OD 6+ @ 1064nm, see here.
2) Our 205 glass filter with an OD 7+ over that range, marked OD7+ 1000-1600nm, see here.
For additional online resources that may be helpful in reading optical density notation, see here.
As always, please feel free to reach out to us directly at 952-405-6947 or via email at